Cellar Craft Clearing question - Late Harvest Riesling Washington Reserve

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Dec 27, 2012
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Hello everyone,

I am in the clearing stage of this kit. Degassed pretty good and plan on bulk aging before bottling. Couple questions on the clearing that is happening and possible bulk aging.

This has been clearing for about 14 days. The instructions say to let it clear for about 20-22 days but is vague about the length of time it can sit on the lees. The clearing started great has not progressed much in the past week. I marked the haze with a pencil 3 days ago and have seen no progress. So next week do I ......

Do I just let it sit on the lees and let it ride?

Rack and add sparkolloid?

Or just rack with no added clearing agents besides what came with the kit?

The wife loves reisling and hate to mess this up


Hello everyone,

I am in the clearing stage of this kit. Degassed pretty good and plan on bulk aging before bottling. Couple questions on the clearing that is happening and possible bulk aging.

This has been clearing for about 14 days. The instructions say to let it clear for about 20-22 days but is vague about the length of time it can sit on the lees. The clearing started great has not progressed much in the past week. I marked the haze with a pencil 3 days ago and have seen no progress. So next week do I ......

Do I just let it sit on the lees and let it ride?

Rack and add sparkolloid?

Or just rack with no added clearing agents besides what came with the kit?

The wife loves reisling and hate to mess this up


View attachment 7773

It is looking really good at this point, although it might be clearing a little slowly.

What is the temperature of the wine? It will clear a little faster if the temperature is in the lower 70'sF.

Let it set and clear; don't disturb it. It could take another month or so. If after 4 more weeks, it is not clear, you can rack it and add another clearing agent. I like SuperKlear, myself.

Again, just be patient. Nothing but good is happening to the wine as it sets.
Thanks for the reply I was concerned about it sitting on the sediment. But if its no worry to let it go another month, I'll leave it be. I may move it under the staircase. It is a little cooler there.

Thank you
Don't move it as you will stir up the sediment again. Put a brew belt on it and get it to 25C, that will speed it up. by the way, fluorescent lights are a wonderful source of UV radiation.
Oh I'm sorry I thought cooler was better for clearing. I'll belt it but there is really no rush.

And the UV is rarely on just for this pic :)
Once the wine is clear, you can rack it and THEN place it in a cooler area to age, out of the direct UV light.
Degassing AND clearing go much quicker when the temps are around 75 degrees.

detyianni, have you tasted a small sample of this Riesling yet? I started this exact kit 72 days ago and I plan on bottling on day 90. Whoa, is this one good! It's better than my 295 day old Winexpert Washington Riesling.
Not yet can't wait though. It is continuing to clear. It will only be 20 days of clearing this weekend. I plan on bulk aging as well.
Update....it has been two weeks and has not cleared much since the photo above. I put the brew belt on yesterday morning and it is clearing again.

Is it OK to leave the belt on while it finishes clearing? I say about a week then I will rack to bulk age.

Thanks for the help everyone!
Update....it has been two weeks and has not cleared much since the photo above. I put the brew belt on yesterday morning and it is clearing again.

Is it OK to leave the belt on while it finishes clearing? I say about a week then I will rack to bulk age.

Thanks for the help everyone!

Yes, leave the belt on 'til it clears, but sense the weather is getting warmer, make sure it doesn't get over about 76F.
Thanks, I strapped my temp controller on the side under a rolled up scrap of tshirt and have it at 70 now. It has cleared a lot the top third is perfect the rest a little hazy still.

I will leave it 20 days.

Thanks again
I wonder if the wine was thoroughly degassed. I went out and bought the all in wine degasser and I've noticed that my wine clears in a couple days when using that. If it doesn't clear after 20 days, you might want to try degassing again but if you have a vacuum degasser, I say degas it right now.