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Nov 27, 2012
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Hello all- New to the forum here. A few months ago I got a "wild hair" and decided to try my hand at lychee wine. I usually make wine from kits, but sometimes I like to make "random" fruit wines. I've been at it for several years now. Of all the fruit wines I've made, I have NEVER had anything take so freakin' long to clear as this lychee wine. I've recently "sampled" it. Aside from being cloudy, the flavor, bouquet- EVERYTHING about it is simply magnificent. I don't want to keep it in the carboy so long I end up with a weird "yeasty" aftertaste. Should I just give up and filter this? I've never had to filter before, and I don't have filtration equipment. BTW- I don't know if this plays into it or not, but I used FRESH lychees (not canned).

Have you tried any clearing agents or cold stabilizing? I had some leftover peach wine after one racking that was put into a mason jar and placed in the fridge. Two weeks later, is was crystal clear, while the rest of the wine in the basement is still clearing a couple months later.
I've heard of chilling the wine, but never actually tried that approach myself. Maybe I'll try that. What sort of clearing agents do you suggest and at what point should it be added? Thanks!
Did you use peptic enzyme in the primary? This is needed when using fresh fruit.
I have added extra peptic enzyme to a slow clearing rubarb wine before. It did help clear it. It was slow but clearing did start back up. It was kinda a shot in the dark as it was suspended yeast and not peptic haze, but it worked anyway! It could have been the stirring that knocked down some of the yeasties. That is certainly something safe to try! I know my ferment had finished as I had maxed out the alchol tolerance of the yeast and it was down to .092.

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