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Aug 5, 2005
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Saturday evening was the big "James Gang" Christmas partyso Friday evening I got busy andmade some yeast rolls for the party.


While the dough was rising I shined up some bottles of my Campbells Early Grape wine that I had decided to give as gifts this year. Had to do a taste test to make sure they were going to be suitable gifts you know


Put the labels on the wine


Dressed the bottle with shrink caps


Tied a little decorative bow on each and they were ready for delivery to the recepiants


And yes, Santa did make the delivery at the party

Waldo, as always your wines look terrific. I tried my hand at nice light dinner rolls a week before Turkey day and was gladI did. They turned out a bit on the heavy side. They were tasty, but could have blocked a bowel if you ate more than one.
For T-day we bought roills at the local bakery.

Could you share your roll recipe? If it won't get you in any trouble for sharing family secrets.
Now those look like good rolls. For Thanksgiving my sister bought rolls- they were probably THE worst rolls ever. Burnt and tasted terrible. Anyway, there were a lot of them left over- plenty of other food available that day. Those bottles and labels look TERRIFIC Wald. You really outdo and outshine most of us mere mortals. Way to go Waldo. The world needs more people like you in it and the world would be a much better place!

You are a "bun man" too? Your wife must think she is in heaven with all you do!!! I would like your pie crust recipe, Please? If you could share it.

Waldo, I love that label! I was going to ask you if you were going to make a label with the picture when you had it as your avatar. I'm happy to see the entire thing now. It looks great! The wine looks good too.
redderthebetter said:
Waldo, as always your wines look terrific. I tried my hand at nice light dinner rolls a week before Turkey day and was gladI did. They turned out a bit on the heavy side. They were tasty, but could have blocked a bowel if you ate more than one.
For T-day we bought roills at the local bakery.

Could you share your roll recipe? If it won't get you in any trouble for sharing family secrets.

OK it is..TOP SECRET now so don't let anyone else see this.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees

2 pkg. Fleishman bread not use fast rise..use the regular
1/3 cup hot water ( around 90-100 degrees)
3 tbsp. sugar
1 tbsp. salt
3 tbsp butter (melted)
2cups milk ( scaldedthen cooled to around 120 degrees
8 cups (approx) unbleached flour

Dissolve the2 packets, of yeast in 1/3 cup of warm water. Stir in two cups of milk that has been scalded, then cooled. Add three tablespoons of sugar, three tablespoons of oil, and one tablespoon of salt. Add half of the flour . In this case, I add four cups, with aboutfour remaining. Beat this mixture until it becomes smooth.(You can use a mixer here but I just do it by hand.) Mix in enough moreflour to make the dough easy to handle. It should not stick to your fingers. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead until it becomes smooth and elastic, about ten minutes. Add more flour as needed. I just grab a handful or so out of the sack and sprinkle it on . You can't overknead but you can under do it. If you get interrupted, the dough can wait for aroundfifteen minutes, so when you come back, just pick up where you left off. The final kneeding I do by forming the dough into a ball. Place this smooth ball into a greased bowl,rotating it so it is completely covered with the oil. Cover, and let it rise in a warm and un drafty place for about an hour. You can tell if the dough is ready if it remains indented after you poke it gently with your finger. Kinda like the ole pillsbury dough boy. He wasnt done

Now you want to punch it down. Be pissed off at it...wanna hurt it...That's right, give itsome good punches and deflate it. Then, divide it into two halves. Roll each half into a rectangle, so that air bubbles pop. Bake an air bubble in the dough and you get holes in your bread! Roll the rectangle of dough into a cylinder. I then pinch off a ball about half the size I want my rolls to be and knead it back into a ball and place it in a well greased ( with butter) whatever receptacle ( I use a cookie sheet myself) you are going to bake the rolls in. Cover again and let rise about another hour then shove them babies into that hoy oven and let em cook until golden brown. Remove from oven and butter the tops. I just take a stick of butter and coat them well. Grab a couple, butter them on the inside too and slop them through some honey while the others are cooling

You can use this same recipe for making loaves too !!!

rgecaprock said:

You are a "bun man" too? Your wife must think she is in heaven with all you do!!! I would like your pie crust recipe, Please? If you could share it.


OK Ramona.....This too is TOP SECRET so don't let anyone elsesee it.

With two tableknives, cut 1 cup shortening ( I prefer Crisco) into 2-1/2 cups bread flour, 1 tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. sugar leaving pieces of shortening about the size of marbles-With hands rubbing together in opposite directions, sheet into flat pieces with a thick coating of flour. Do not over mix...Better to under mix than overmix. Make a hole in the middle of mixture and pour in 1/2 cup cold water & quickly mix with spoon only enough to handle the dough. Again, don't over mix. Turn out onto a floured board and divide into halves. Press out gently then roll it to desired thickness.
The key to a good crust Ramona is not over mixing it
Sorry! I had to copy the recipe, but I won't tell!!

Gosh Waldo.......those bottles, labels and shrink look great!!!!! (Not to mention the rolls of course!!!)

More importantly, how was the party?

Thank's Waldo. Your secret is now safe with me on a nice little 3X5 card.
Now I feel the need to share. I'm posting my recipe for Chicken N Dumplings. I just made it tonight and it was excellent.
Francie said:
Sorry! I had to copy the recipe, but I won't tell!!

Gosh Waldo.......those bottles, labels and shrink look great!!!!! (Not to mention the rolls of course!!!)

More importantly, how was the party?


The party was fantastic as it always is Francie. We have a very close family and everyone enjoys being around each other. The kids, both young and old always enjoy Santa's visit
Waldo, your recipe's are safe with me as well.........along with the other 9 million folks who have "respectfully stolen the same."

It's all looking mighty good from here my friend. Wine, lables, shrinks and dem dere rolls! emmmmmmmmm goooooood!!
Northern Winos said:
Bread and Wine and...Santa can't get any better than that!!!!

Actually it probably can. Waldo, when are you going into the cheese business?

Can you imagine, Waldo the Renaissance Man... makes his own bread, cheese and wine. Shopping would be a thing of the past...

I'm the bread maker in the family as well. We haven't bought store bread in years.
peterCooper said:
Northern Winos said:
Bread and Wine and...Santa can't get any better than that!!!!

Actually it probably can. Waldo, when are you going into the cheese business?

Can you imagine, Waldo the Renaissance Man... makes his own bread, cheese and wine. Shopping would be a thing of the past...

I'm the bread maker in the family as well. We haven't bought store bread in years.

Funny that you would say that Peter as I have been looking at different cheese making kits. I have a friend not too far from me that raises goats and I can get all of the goats milk I want from him..

What is your favorite bread to make and consumeEdited by: Waldo
I tried to make rolls once and my kids called them hockey pucks!
So, I invested in a Bread Machine!

Waldo, I loved all your pictures! You give us so many ideas! Thank you so much for sharing your pictures with us.
JS, I use my bread machine's dough cycle to make Pillsbury's Hot Roll Mix cinnamon rolls. I love it because you don't have to add any extra flour. As a result they are the most light and tender treat in the world. (Of course I use extra butter and cinnamon sugar when I roll them up! =) Never a hockey puck! The folks at work are always asking when I'm going to make them again. Of course this is the perfect time of year! Try it! You'll like it! =)
Thanks Joan, That sounds Great! I think I will! I needed something else on the table this Christmas.