Cellar Craft CC red mountain cab

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Senior Member
May 28, 2009
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HI all,

I am about to start my first CC kit Red mountain cab and i have a question about the clearing for this wine. If i plan on bulk aging for three months should i wait on the clarafier until the end of bulk aging or should i clarify according to instructions? my plan isOnce the fermentationis completed i was going to de-gass,stabilize and then bulk age for a month rack off the lees and add the oak for two months and then clarify let it clear and bottle. Does anyone see a reason not to do that? Meaning do the clarafiers require all of the original sediment to work properly?
Well, my humble opinion is to add the clarifiers when you stabilize. I'm sure others may have input who have tried waiting on the clarifiers.

I think your plan sounds like a winner! Cheers.
Add the clarifiers after you degas. Once the clarifiers have done their work, rack to clean glass and bulk age as long as you like, adding 1/4 tsp K-meta every three months or so.