Carboy playtime

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Jul 26, 2021
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North Carolina Mountains
It's off season so I'm pretty bored. I used the time over the past couple of weeks to mark my carboys with the volume and the country of origin.

I measured gallon by gallon marking with sharpie on blue tape. I then masked each mark and used the glass etching cream to create the mark. I repeated for each gallon.

I also wanted to know how much volume is needed to go to the neck of the carboy so I marked each carboy with the number of cups needed to top it off.


I am trying to upgrade my carboys to better quality so the country of manufacture was added to each one.


I should now know everything I need to know before using one.

As I said, I am perhaps a little bored.
It's off season so I'm pretty bored. I used the time over the past couple of weeks to mark my carboys with the volume and the country of origin.

I measured gallon by gallon marking with sharpie on blue tape. I then masked each mark and used the glass etching cream to create the mark. I repeated for each gallon.
View attachment 110018

I also wanted to know how much volume is needed to go to the neck of the carboy so I marked each carboy with the number of cups needed to top it off.

View attachment 110019

I am trying to upgrade my carboys to better quality so the country of manufacture was added to each one.

View attachment 110020

I should now know everything I need to know before using one.

As I said, I am perhaps a little bored.
Great idea and nice work.

I have a couple of questions. Where did you find a carboy made in the US? Is the "3 Cups" the volume above the 5 gallon mark and, if so, where is the upper limit? Did you use a stencil for the etching?

Great idea and nice work.

I have a couple of questions. Where did you find a carboy made in the US? Is the "3 Cups" the volume above the 5 gallon mark and, if so, where is the upper limit? Did you use a stencil for the etching?

Thanks! I scored a bunch of Owens Illinois smooth carboys from Facebook marketplace. Took me forever to get the krausen rings off them. I am going to phase out my crappy mexican ones for these.

I'll admit, the way I did it is confusing but to get to the neck, you need 5 gallons and 3 cups. It's doesn't show well in the photo but there is a mark on the neck at the 5 gallon 3 cup mark.

I bought some stencils off amazon. They are made for glass etching wedding glasses and such.
First, let me say that I think @ovjock did a fine job marking his carboy with etched numbers. Secondly, let me say I tend to over think things.

That said, does anyone with knowledge in glass and bottle making think there is any downside to etching the glass. I am thinking of surface integrity, and how etching may weaken the carboy. As I say, I tend to over think and this may be another case of this personality flaw. Is there anyone on the site with experience in bottle making that can reassure me? These carboys, I would imagine, are made in some type of blow molding process in a clam shell mold, similar to plastic molding with which I am familiar. I also know that flaws in the surface of the carboy can lead to cracking.

I would be very interested in your input. Thank you.
First, let me say that I think @ovjock did a fine job marking his carboy with etched numbers. Secondly, let me say I tend to over think things.

That said, does anyone with knowledge in glass and bottle making think there is any downside to etching the glass. I am thinking of surface integrity, and how etching may weaken the carboy. As I say, I tend to over think and this may be another case of this personality flaw. Is there anyone on the site with experience in bottle making that can reassure me? These carboys, I would imagine, are made in some type of blow molding process in a clam shell mold, similar to plastic molding with which I am familiar. I also know that flaws in the surface of the carboy can lead to cracking.

I would be very interested in your input. Thank you.
I am interested in opinions as well.
First, let me say that I think @ovjock did a fine job marking his carboy with etched numbers. Secondly, let me say I tend to over think things.

That said, does anyone with knowledge in glass and bottle making think there is any downside to etching the glass. I am thinking of surface integrity, and how etching may weaken the carboy. As I say, I tend to over think and this may be another case of this personality flaw. Is there anyone on the site with experience in bottle making that can reassure me? These carboys, I would imagine, are made in some type of blow molding process in a clam shell mold, similar to plastic molding with which I am familiar. I also know that flaws in the surface of the carboy can lead to cracking.

I would be very interested in your input. Thank you.
Not an engineer, but I would think that etching would be no more damaging than the expected scratches and abrasions of normal wear. Stresses that are baked into the design.

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