Can you mix honey and sugar?

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Junior Member
Jul 30, 2013
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I started the strawberry wine today, but realized after I filled the container with sugar and water, that I had missed two bags of berries (about 6 out of 20 lbs).

If I add those berries, it will come out to be around 6 gal of wine. I put in the 10 lbs of sugar, but am wondering if I can add some honey (after boiling it in some water. Also, that will be over the 5 gal/per pkt of yeast. I only have one pack of the Champagne yeast, think it will hurt if I use two packs of the Montrachet or should I mix one of each?? I'm just sick I missed those bags. :(

Sigh . . . just when I thought it was going good. :slp
I am a little unclear on your questions and concerns. Don't worry about making more than 5 gallons. You will need extra to top off with after you rack it off the lees later. Also, I wouldn't worry about the yeast -- one pack should be able to take care of 6 gallons. So go ahead and add the extra berries.

You lost me on the honey. Have you measured the SG, or are you just working off a recipe?

If you add the honey, you will probably drive the sugar content of the wine up quite high, which may stress the yeast and will make for a very alcoholic wine.
I'm concerned the 10 lbs of sugar won't be enough for 6 gallons of wine. I added the forgotten berries, and that brought the water line up to 7 1/4 gallons including the berries.

Also, as it's around 6 gal, do I need to multiply the recipe by 6 for the acid blend, tannin, yeast nutrient, etc?
I'm concerned the 10 lbs of sugar won't be enough for 6 gallons of wine. I added the forgotten berries, and that brought the water line up to 7 1/4 gallons including the berries.

Also, as it's around 6 gal, do I need to multiply the recipe by 6 for the acid blend, tannin, yeast nutrient, etc?

Well, just measure the specific gravity with a hydrometer. These only cost a few bucks, like less than one bag of your berries. Then you will know if you need to add more sugar or not.

You didn't say how much volume your recipe is for, but, if it is for one gallon, then yes, multiply by 6 for the tannin and yeast nutrient. I am not sure what to advise you regarding the acid blend, as I was under the impression that strawberry wine was pretty acidic to begin with. :?
Yes, the recipe is for 1 gallon. Should I measure the specific gravity now before I add the additives? Or wait until after? The mixture is still cooling. Sorry for all the questions.

As for the acid blend, it calls for 1 tsp acid blend for 1 gallon.
Thanks! I will check it first thing in the morning. The liquid is taking forever to cool down for some reason.
Shoot for an SG of 1.085 with strawberry. Just a little light on berries for that much wine, no worries, after the first berries wash out(get real light and look like berry ghosts, remove than and add 2 more bags of berries. really this will help doing it this way anyway because the late berries will add flavor back in. And yes you can add honey instead of sugar, but please get a hydrometer and measure your sugars that way

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