California Drought / Changing My Landscape

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Aug 8, 2012
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Northern Arizona
For years I’ve had a really green and lush landscape. In response to this extended drought our water company has asked us to only water 2 days a week. While that’s enough water to keep things alive it’s not enough to keep it looking really nice. It also sounds as if the restrictions on water use are going to soon become even more tight. For me the time had come to start over and landscape based on the fact we live in a desert. At some point I fully expect that homes in the Los Angeles area of Southern California will start looking like Las Vegas, Palm Springs and most of the homes in Arizona. We just don’t have the water to waste out here.

So after about a months worth of planning, 6 days of a landscaper’s crew of 3 and $10,000 total I have what is called a drought tolerant or water wise or zero-scape property. The really cool thing here is the State was offering a rebate of $2.00 per foot of sod removed which will offset the cost of the whole project. I’m the only house in the neighborhood to have this “Arizona” kind of look but based on how many people have stopped by talked to me about it I expect there will be more soon. In the mean time I’ll just enjoy dropping that $200.00/month water bill down to about $40.00 and of course, doing my part in cutting our area’s water useage.

…going to take a while to get used to it but at least I have my grapes…..





Your ahead of the curve it looks like. Takes some getting used to but you will also enjoy the low maintenance as well!
BIG zeroscape fan! My wife lived in Albuquerque for 3 years, and it is all over there. This is the natural arid look. Green grass is for the Midwest and East. Congratulations on being a good steward. Looks great!
Thanks all! I hadn't really considered the Maintenance aspect but I'm sure I can trim the few hedges and blow off the drive and walkways myself now and get rid of the $90.00 monthly gardener bill. I'm thinking that money could go towards 10 or 12 lugs of grapes and a couple of juice buckets this fall. Looking like a win win all the way around!
You need to rake it like a Japanese Rock Garden, or Zen Garden.

Hmmmm... Zen, and the art of Wine Making ....

Funny how some parts of the country want water saving (no sod), and other parts want to control runoff with vegetation.
I think it looks fabulous--it's far more beautiful than looking at partially brown grass!! You done good. I'll be thinking about the ease of YOUR maintainence when I'm mowing my 6 acres this summer!!
Do I look brilliant now or not? Governor Brown announced yesterday statewide mandatory reduction of water usage by 25% for everybody! I estimate I've cut mine by 75% at least during the summer months so no fines or additional restrictions here.
"Even the losers get lucky sometime" - Tom Petty
I was saying the same thing to myself when that news came out. You have good intuition at the very least!
I estimate I've cut mine by 75% at least during the summer months

Had some friends visiting from CA, and they commented it was nice to take a shower and not worry about how long they were taking.

Now you can take as long a shower as you want ... during the summer.
Do I look brilliant now or not? Governor Brown announced yesterday statewide mandatory reduction of water usage by 25% for everybody! I estimate I've cut mine by 75% at least during the summer months so no fines or additional restrictions here.
"Even the losers get lucky sometime" - Tom Petty

You're so far ahead of the curve, it just came around and bit you in the arse!!