Brewing from home grown grapes.

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mark walton

Nov 16, 2023
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Hi, I have enough grapes to produce 2 gallons of wine. Can I use a 5 gallon barrel, or is it better to use two 1 gallons jars?
Welcome to WMT!

For fermentation, use an open container as yeast need O2 for reproduction in the early stage of fermentation.

Post-fermentation, O2 switches sides, becoming your wine's enemy as it will oxidize the wine, so you want to put it in smaller containers with minimal head space.
Welcome. As others have said, oxygen is your friend during fermentation and your enemy after. For aging you will want full containers.
Hi, I have enough grapes to produce 2 gallons of wine. Can I use a 5 gallon barrel, or is it better to use two 1 gallons jars?
The size of the Fermenter is not important as you would be using open fermentation, so IMHO, a 5 gallon bucket would be OK. You would need the head room to push down the grape skins (if making red). After the fermentation, put it into two 1-gallon carboys, or a 2 gallon one (if you have it) with the wine up to the neck for minimum oxygen. put a bung(Cork) with an airlock. Test the SG. If good. let it sit for 2-4 weeks. then taste it.