"Brandy" Wine recipe

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Jun 13, 2011
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Hey guys, first time poster, and first time wine maker. Planning on making a quick cheap batch first for fun and deciding if i want to invest the time/effort/money into making a quality wine later.

Found a recipe online for "brandy" but it really looks more like wine, i wanted to post it and get everybody's reaction to whether or not it will be safe

heres the link www.helium.com/items/1119291-how-to-make-homemade-wine

I am going to follow those directions exactly, except i was hoping to use a 3 gallon water jug with the "balloon with a hole poked in it" method.

Also i am going to cut the reciple in half to make less.

I am fully aware that this isn't going to make an incredible wine, as it is only aged about a month. Just want to make sure it will be somewhat tasty, and safe.

Thanks guys.
Id say its a "wine" Blindly adding sugar is not such a good idea. Get yourself a hydrometer (bout $8.00) and get a specific gravity reading from the juice and fruit in the bucket before any sugar is added and either use the winecalc on this website or post it up here and we can tell you how much sugar to add to get a certain abv. Also when you get your hydrometer get wine yeast ( $1-1.50 per packet) bung and an airlock ($2-4.00)
and some campden tablets ($2.00) all less then a $15.00 investment. Plus you will use these items over and over again.
I concur... And $15 is cheap way to start a new hobby. I started out with $20 in supplies, after that first batch, you'll decided to spend (or not to spend) more money to refine your tools. But a hydrometer is one of the best investments you'll ever make in this hobby/obbsession!
Where do I find those things? I doubt I can get it at my local walmart

Also how much wine yeast should I get?
Ok heres my shopping list... im ordering from eckraus

I got a

-5 gallon plastic carboy
-#10 stopper
-S airlock
-sugar scale hydrometer
-i am going to order wine yeast... but i do not know whether to get the Pasteur Champagne or Montrachet

am i missing anything? trying to buy as little as possible

also the website said i have to add some other stuff if i use champagne yeast can someone explain?
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Link for some info on diff types of wine yeast. i use cote de blanc for most of the fruit wines I use montrachet for my apple wine.

Get this sanitizer also

Also go to a local walmart bakery and ask them for a food grade bucket & lid if they have it. Use this for your primary fermenter.

If you don't want to make 5 gallon batches then get a gallon wine jug (#6 rubber stopper fit these) and use that and use a stainless pot with a cloth over it for a primary fermenter.

Go to local restaurants and ask them to save bottles for you.
you can make this hobby as cheap or as expensive as you want.
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Welcome aboard!!

Include Campden Tablets as well.

Have you checked other sites? ECKraus is nice - free shipping - but here is the catch - the cost of the products are more $$ than other sites.

Try Fine Vine Wines or Winemaker's Depot online.
If you get the sanitizer i mentioned above it will take the place of the campden tablets plus you can use it to sanitize the equipment. its is actually cheaper too! i really like Midwest supplies if im going to order online.