BovineWines Intro

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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hello everyone! I figured I should stop by and introduce myself as I suspect I will be turning to ya'll for your sage wisdom and advice!
I live in Dallas (actually I'm not far from Fine Vine Wines). I just started my very firest batch of wine yesterday. A Vitners Reserve Riesling kit. Primary fermentation is currently occuring...evidenced by the "burping" of my airlock.

I'm also a student at Grayson County Community College. While I have a day job <laughing>, I figured why not go to College and get a degree in something I really love. So, I'm working on my associates degree in Viticulure and Enology.

I'm looking forward to being a part of this forum and learning from everyone here!

Edited by: bovinewines
Again welcome BovineWines! Sounds like you have your plate full. You should fit right in here, everybody seems to be workaholics

Nice choice for your degree! How far along in your studies are you?
By the time we scraped up all the hours from the other colleges I attened (and never bothered to get a degree), plus the classes I've already taken at Grayson, I'm probably close to 75% through the program.

This semester is Intro to Chemistry (since the last Chemistry class was high school out in West Texas taught by the baseball coach who had no interest in "really" teaching chemistry) and Enlolgy I.
I wish i could take those classes as they offer them where I am but only during the day and I work during the day and would never find a night job that pays what I make. Glad to have you on the forum as youll probably take pebble from hand grasshopper!
Wow - get behind on the forum for a few days & everybody in the world signs on.

Welcome to Scubaman ,Sixfinleys, Astrobootes, & Motogirl & that's only September's newbies.

I guarantee you will enjoy this forum! You will also learn, be applauded, be chastised (in an effort to teach), be amused - in short you wil love it here!Edited by: bj4271
Hi bovine,

Welcome to a great forum!!! You can pass your knowledge on to us!! Some ofthe folkshere are really well educated and knowledgable about wine making...maybe we can help you with your homework.

Welcome aboard! Look forward to your posts. Hopefully you can pass along some of your acquired education to us.
As I have learned..there's a HUGE difference between book learning (theory) and experience. Personally, I'll take experience any day of the week! <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

I'm looking forward to learning from those of you who have the experience to share and I promise to share my bonehead "beginner" horror stories to amuse those brave enough to travel down that path with me!



Welcome to you. You will find some great people here...jh