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Senior Member
Dec 22, 2011
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So I have asked this question before but havent gotten an answer yet. I have a cab sauv wine kit. It has aged for almost 3 months in a glass carboy. The instructions said bottle it when it finished clearing. Should I bottle as is right now or should I wait a while and leave it in the car boy? When I bottle it should I add any chemicals to it before bottling it? What do you think?
I would melt 1/4 tsp of sulfite into a little hot water add that give it a short stir to mix in the sulfite with a sanitized spoon handle. then bottle. Depending on the kit some times a longer bulk aging will help but with three months you are still in the ball park.

I agree with rjb's comments; however knowing the exact kit might give a better answer. For example, it's probably too early to bottle an En Primeur Cab Sauv, but fine to bottle a Vintners Reserve. Without full info, vague answers are the best available.


I agree with rjb's comments; however knowing the exact kit might give a better answer. For example, it's probably too early to bottle an En Primeur Cab Sauv, but fine to bottle a Vintners Reserve. Without full info, vague answers are the best available.


+1 to what steve said....i agree....not enough details to give a specific answer....too many variables...all depends on if you plan on bulk aging it or planning on bottle aging, and for how long....long term storage would possibly require another dosing of kmeta, whereas if planning on beginning to drink shortly after bottling, then perhaps not....all depends on your intentions with this wine...
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+1 to what steve said....i agree....not enough details to give a specific answer....too many variables...all depends on if you plan on bulk aging it or planning on bottle aging, and for how long....long term storage would possibly require another dosing of kmeta, whereas if planning on beginning to drink shortly after bottling, then perhaps not....all depends on your intentions with this wine...

The wine kit is Grand Cru Cab Suav. I started this kit on 1/17/12, then on 1/28/12 racked it into a glass carboy, degassed, added everything that was needed according to the kit. 2/9 I re racked it off the sediments and topped off., 3/10 re re racked it one more time and topped off. It is currently sitting in my basement in a cool dark area. The instructions said to bottle it right away but I didnt have enough bottles to do so yet. I have enough as of right now. So should I continue to let it age in the carboy? If so how much longer? And when should I add stuff to it? What do you think? I dont have anything to measure the SO2 levels.
Bottom line, taste it. If it tastes good to you, put 1/4 teaspoon meta in it, wait 24 hrs and bottle. If its not ready, put 1/4 tsp meta in it and let it wait 6 mos. IMHO
It sounds like it is done as of now. Bulk aging is a personal choice. That can allow for any additional fine sediment to fall out. If you don't you might get just a little in the bottles after some time.

You could bottle now if you want to drink it sooner. If so, I wouldn't add any additional k-meta since it would be gone before it would be needed. What it comes down to, it is your final call.
I just bottled my Grand Cru Cab last week. I bulked aged it for a year in a glass carboy. It was 3.5 mo. since last racking & I was surprised at how much sediment was on the bottom of the carboy. I don't rush bigger reds. BTW it tasted very good! Roy
I don't mind leaving it in the Carboy for aging but I don't have any test kits to check it a long the way.... Am I better off bottling it and aging it like that?

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