Cellar Craft Bottling Day for CC Showcase Gruner Veltliner

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Mar 14, 2010
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I started the Gruner on May 18 and bottled July 16. This one cleared up real nice and really sparkled after filtering. I bottled 29 full bottles and 3 test bottles with about 3 glasses left to sample. It tasted really fantastic at bottling so I am excited about how this is going to mature. It has melon, apple, citrus and peach flavors with a peppery finish on
the end which is what I love about Gruners. This kit has won multiple Gold medals and after tasting it I can see why.

Great job jeepbabe..would like to see a closeup of that label too..it looks awesome
Jeepbabe you should be proud They look great. I would also like to see a close up of the bottles.

First bottling and you have test bottles! After doing almost 50 batches and I still haven't done that. Its one of those things I keep saying I am going to do..LOL

So whats next? are you addicted yet?
Thanks everyone! I am so happy with how the Gruner came out. I plan on
using the test bottles at 3-6-9 months intervals. The test bottles are
actually New Castle beer bottles which is one of my favorite beers. Yes I
think I am totally addicted to wine making. I keep telling myself...I only need two glass carboys but I think today I am picking up number three. My husband wants to build some wine racks for our
pantry but for the mean time everything is in boxes. I've made four
Orchard Breezin kits but now am getting into the bigger kits which is so exciting.

And to think...this is all happened because I bought my husband a beer
making kit for Christmas.

Here's two more pictures. One is a close-up of the label. The other
shows how clear the wine came out. The label shows the crest of the
Austrian Hungarian empire which is a tribute to the wine and my
husband's Hungarian Heritage.

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I am still waiting on my MM Renaissance Viognier to clear due to a racking mistake on what was supposed to be the bottling day. I just started a MM VN Bourg Royal White Sunday and am doing the Battonage technique on a Cellar Classic Bella Bianco. Since I am picking up a new glass carboy perhaps I will start another kit.

Thank you for all of the nice comments everyone!
jeepbabe, your Gruner looks delicious and the labels are very distinguished looking!! I the flavors you described for this wine sound awesome. I love a peppery-ish end taste on a wine. Who makes this wine? MM? CC?
This is a Cellar Craft Showcase Austrian Gruner Veltliner kit and I bought it from George:

At first I didn't pick up on the peppery finish on the end. It is very subtle but it is there. I would describe it as "white pepper." Most of the Gruners I've had have been dry but this one is off dry. I'll give an update on how it tastes in a few months when I try a test bottle. As a side note Gruners go great with Thai food.
jeepbabe, I have never tasted this wine before but it sounds great. And I enjoy an off dry wine. oh George......get a kit ready for me.
I tried my three month test bottle a few days ago and the wine was still very young and very unexciting. I really didn't pick up much on the nose and I only really tasted a little bit of apple/fruit flavors. I am going to open the next test bottle at 6 months which would be January. I'll be sure to update then.

Gruners are one of my all time favorite wines so I am very excited about this one. I am really hoping for that white pepper finish to develop as it gets older.
All my Whites to date have taken a minimum of 9 months to get good and 12 months to really reach their peak drinking profile.