blueberry wine

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Oct 16, 2005
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just started 5 gallons blueberry...13lbs frozen berries..sugar..couple oranges and lemons...campden tabe..waited 24 hrs and added lalvin yeast..stirred 6 days with no problem.. tasted and smelled great...turned up heat day before to try to reactivate my 30 gallons of blueberry started smelling strange yesterday..possibly vinegery...siphoned into 5 gallon jug ..still fermenting well...can i save or is the vineger its doom?
We need alittle more to go on.... SG now? Beginning SG? Still fermenting? That sounds positive. Did you taste it?

What's the temp?

I am sure it is savable!

temp was close to 80 when problem started at 74...original sg was at 1.40..tasted wierd..a little vinegery...hope i can save it..wife bitched i used her last blueberries..may have infected with vinegar..someone told me it kills fruit flies with soap and water....thanks for the reply
As the ferment dies down, keep the carboy topped up very well. Rack and stabilize after the SG remains the same for a couple weeks. It is paramount that you keep it topped up from here on out.
Thanks Hippie, ill give it a try, its really fermenting strong but smells and tastes your opinion did i overheat it or did it just catch the viniger bug? This batch seemed to change overnight, i stirred twice daily and smelled great until 12 hrs later
I think it is a normal fermentation, but with a healthy hydrogen sulfide production. Allow it to finish and see if it changes. Fruit is a little on the light side, 80*F is not too warm, top up well as the subsiding fermentation allows.
Thanks for reply, i will let you know how its doing after ferm.....Can campden tabs be used as stabilizer?.or do you have better suggestion? Coopman
Edited by: coopman
Stabilizing is done with sulphite and sorbate, when the wine is finished. 1 campden tablet per gallon is good for the sulphite part. Use sorbate per package directions. Do not attempt to stabilize a wine that is still fermenting, at least not until you get experienced and have read and studied alot.