Berries Everywhere

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gaudet said:
tepe said:
The only fruit around here is from Chile. Oh wait, I may be in that classification. LOL!

Nah you're just nuts..............

OK I also resemble that remark
Grabbed another 6.75#'s of blackberries this afternoon. Picked with my buddy and his wife for about an hour before the rain drove us off. Going to be a good season. I will give this advice for pickers. Grab you some hospital type rubber gloves, it really helps to keep the smaller thorns from ripping you. Now I just need to start wearing long sleeved shirts to stop the ripping of the arms....
Phew been a busy bee..... Got out at 7:30 am today and SWMBO and I got 19.6 more pounds of blackberries in just under 2 hours..... That brings the grand total up to 53.35 pounds.......One more trip and I've got my 12 gallons worth from this year..... And then some.....
Hey extras could go for a nice blackberry beer - kinda nice for the summer or even a port.
gaudet said:
Grabbed another 6.75#'s of blackberries this afternoon. Picked with my buddy and his wife for about an hour before the rain drove us off. Going to be a good season. I will give this advice for pickers. Grab you some hospital type rubber gloves, it really helps to keep the smaller thorns from ripping you. Now I just need to start wearing long sleeved shirts to stop the ripping of the arms....

I work in healthcare so I have plenty of vinyl & nitryle gloves. Also keeps from staining my fingers purple. The berries will be here in a few weeks for us in Carroll County, Maryland. I can't wait they grow wild pretty much everywhere.
I'm tempted to take a few cuttings and get some plants started for myself.