Are these still good

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Aug 31, 2022
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I froze these grapes / muscadines last year I did not break them up before I froze them I froze them whole. They look all right to me but I would like to get y'all's opinion. It's a full 5 gallon bucket. I'm not sure how to post a picture
Wow! you must have an industrial strength freezer to hold a 5 gal bucket!!! They may take a while to thaw but they should be fine. I freeze mine in gallon zip lock bags and they're good for a couple of years - maybe a tad freezer burned but fully useable.
I froze these grapes / muscadines last year I did not break them up before I froze them I froze them whole. They look all right to me but I would like to get y'all's opinion. It's a full 5 gallon bucket. I'm not sure how to post a picture
Looks great - go for it. You might want to put this year's crop in gallon zip lock bag to freeze. I picked ~ 6 gallons this afternoon, bagged and into the freezer. I also set 3 live traps for raccoons. They went thru a couple of hundred last night judging from the hulls!:tz
Looks great - go for it. You might want to put this year's crop in gallon zip lock bag to freeze. I picked ~ 6 gallons this afternoon, bagged and into the freezer. I also set 3 live traps for raccoons. They went thru a couple of hundred last night judging from the hulls!:tz
Yeah I'll walk around in my hunting boots all day getting my socks nice and sweaty and put them all around my muscadines... Anything to keep the deer away from them. Also got 3 lb of blueberries and three 12oz Frozen grape concentrate. I figured the tartness of the blueberries and the frozen green grape concentrate full off some of the sweetness of the muscadine and scupper
Out of curiosity, where did you fine the frozen grape concentrate? I have an old recipe for an early drinking wine made for Welches frozen concentrate that I always enjoyed but can't find ANY frozen concentrate anymore. I understand it is no longer made.
Check out this link for a a "3-D" deer fence.

I've used this set up for the past 3 yrs with just "barrier" caution tape (not electrified) and it works pretty well - not 100% but still good. NC State did a study and it seems that the different strands/distances confuse a deer's depth perception. I've got another link I'll send if I can find it. Maybe a little late for this season but something to consider in the future.
Out of curiosity, where did you fine the frozen grape concentrate? I have an old recipe for an early drinking wine made for Welches frozen concentrate that I always enjoyed but can't find ANY frozen concentrate anymore. I understand it is no longer made.
Check out this link for a a "3-D" deer fence.

I've used this set up for the past 3 yrs with just "barrier" caution tape (not electrified) and it works pretty well - not 100% but still good. NC State did a study and it seems that the different strands/distances confuse a deer's depth perception. I've got another link I'll send if I can find it. Maybe a little late for this season but something to consider in the future.

I live in Alabama and it's still available in Walmart. It's where I got mine. And my last batch I added frozen concentrate that was a couple years ago and I bought that from Winn-Dixie
I live in Alabama and it's still available in Walmart. It's where I got mine. And my last batch I added frozen concentrate that was a couple years ago and I bought that from Winn-Dixie
But I will say the Walmart is Great value brand not Welches

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