Apples ...Apples and more Apples

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St Allie

Tech Administrator
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
I have roughly just over 100 kilos of apples on my front porch and one more tree to strip.. all different varieties, a mix of cooking and eating apples.. From experience they make a great apple wine and also a good cider.

I have more than enough to experiment with, so if anyone has a recipe that is tried and true for melomel or mead .. cyser?

Please post it for me :)

I also have a couple of buckets of feijoas and a friend will deliver about 20 kilos of fresh figs and whatever was left on the passionfruit vines tomorrow. It's the end of season and so much fruit.. why don't any of you live near me?

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why don't any of you live near me?
Gee Allie...

I was thinking the same thing. We make apple sauce and dehydrate apples, but we have to buy 'em.

feijoa...similar to guava...have you made wine from it before? or do you do something else with it?

There is a huge storecupboard of preserves here too Steve.. and do have a lot of spare jars so will probably do pie filling as well for winter, as my freezer is already full. ( if you like salsa, I have a really good recipe that uses zucchini btw and you can't tell it's got zucchini in it either)

the feijoa wine recipe I have here turns out awful.. thin white table wine..

so generally the kids just eat them.

Thanks Allie, go ahead and rub it in my eye. i am still watching the snow melt:(
Why dont you get another horse or two? They may not be able to make wine, but I am willing to bet they will be your friend.!:D
Im coming up to auckland on the weekend Allie, will have family in tow though as we are going to a birthday thing...Id only be too happy to lighten the load of fruit you have!!!! Especially the feijoas!!!!
Coll look for me on the side of the road, I'll be the guy with no luggage, a couple of bottles of wine and 3 cats, We're heading for G's house
sure Coll.. give me a call,

there's plenty here to share.

all the apples are now fermenting as apple wine.. finally.. what a mission!

last 30 litres done this morning..

170 litres apple wine

80 litres of cider

25 litres of perry

not bad considering this is my first year back into serious winemaking.. not quite as much as most hehehe

perry is pearjuice fermented like cider.. the end result is called perry and it's extremely popular in europe..

very drinkable :d

perry is pearjuice fermented like cider.. the end result is called perry and it's extremely popular in europe..

very drinkable :d


Wish it was available here in NJ. Sounds interesting