Apple Spice Recipe

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Apr 5, 2010
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I was just going to make Apple Spice wine (cant remember where i got the recipe might of been on 1 of the posts on here) & thought i had all the ingrediants but noticed i dont have Potassium Metabisulfite but i do have Sodium Metabisulfite (i know for sterilisation) but could i use it instead of the Potassium Metabisulfite, the only other ingreadiants i have is, Tannin, Pectolase, Fermentation Stopper, Yeast Nutrient, & wine Finnings but i dont think any of these would do, So i might copy St Allie Recipe its just this Recipe has 3 Cinnamon sticks in it so dont know if it needs anything extra in it.
You will be fine, go ahead and used the sodium metabisulfite. I believe that is what is used to make the Campden tablets
Yes got campden tablet too, so Potassium Metabisulfite is really the same as
Sodium Metabisulfite & campden tablets, allready put in a campden tablet got to wait 24hr before i add anything else. If i make the Apple Spiced Wine again i will try & just buy the cartains of juice would work out cheaper:)