Any downside to K&C finings?

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Jul 4, 2023
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Pleasanton, CA
Per my other thread, K&C fining did a good job clearing my 6 month old plum wine. Just wondering if there is any downside to using K&C. Does it change the flavor at all? Anything else to consider? I can use it on my other batches or continue to wait for natural clearing.
K is OK but Chitosan is made from shellfish eco-skeletons, and I believe that the proteins have been so damaged as to make them suitable even for folk who are allergic to shell-fish. BUT if you are vegan, vegetarian, or follow the laws of Kashrut, then Chitosan is not acceptable for consumption AND if your friends (or you) belong to one of these three communities, you may need to label your wines so that they can make an informed choice before they take a glass from you.
K&C reduces aroma and induces bitterness in the wine. I conducted a test last year where I bottled wines both with and without K&C. Among other tastings, @VinesnBines and her husband, @mainshipfred, @Cynewulf, @kvaden, @berrycrush, and my brother did a taste testing last July. I posted the results of numerous tastings on my site:
That's written like a lab report is and is a dry read. I also have a thread on WMT that includes discussion which may be helpful:
I won't say that I'll never use K&C again, but when I do it will be for a stubborn wine that won't clear using other methods. All fining agents have drawbacks, so we have to decide on a case-by-case basis what is the lesser evil.
K is OK but Chitosan is made from shellfish eco-skeletons, and I believe that the proteins have been so damaged as to make them suitable even for folk who are allergic to shell-fish. BUT if you are vegan, vegetarian, or follow the laws of Kashrut, then Chitosan is not acceptable for consumption AND if your friends (or you) belong to one of these three communities, you may need to label your wines so that they can make an informed choice before they take a glass from you.

Chitosan that is derived from mushrooms is available, but it is not (yet) cheap. is produced,in a variety of applications.