Mosti Mondiale Alljuice Pinot Noir

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Senior Member
May 28, 2009
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Hi all,

Well i opened a 375 split of an alljuice pinot noir i bottled in may after bulk aging for six months and i have to tell you it taste's really good
Definately needs more time but really taste's good
Now i played with this, the initial SG was 1.090 and i chapatalized it up to 1.098, i then used RC 212 yeast with a yeast starter and yeast nutrient along the way. Oh i also added a 1/4 teaspoon of grand cru tannin at bulk aging.It fermented down to .998 and i probably could have gotten it drier but made a mistake with my brewbelt and had higher temp than i wanted (that will teach me to remember to make sure the plug in time clock is actually set
) Anyway the smell of fruit and taste is really good, cannot wait until next thanksgiving as that is the time i will break into it!!!! Oh almost forgot i also used 1 1/2 ounce french house toast stavin cubesfor ten weeks and cannot detect any overoaking whatsoever, so with that amount in mind for a pinot don't be afraid of overoaking it it will not happen.
Good to hear!
I have only opened one of my splits and it was just OK.
I made mine by the book, no adjustments so will see how it progresses. So far the MM Renaissance Chilean Pinot has more Pinot essence than the AJ.
Interesting Mike! Maybe that could be my first ren red to ferment and maybe i will make it the same way save for the chapatalizing as the rens seem to run at a higher starting SG than the alljuices and then that would be a good comparison. Mike do you have any notes on what the starting SG was on that one? also how much oak came with it?

I think the Grand Cru does a great job of making kits even better but be careful as to not add too much to all your wines as Ive heard it can make them all start to taste alike.

Starting SG on the AJ was 1.092.

Starting SG on the Renaissance Chilean Pinot was 1.102

Oak was French chips 2 ozs.

seagrape said:
Mike do you have any notes on what the starting SG was on that one? also how much oak came with it?
I hear ya wade, I will not use more than 1/4 teaspoon, just a touch as they say. And thanks mike i had a funny feeling the ren would come in high which is just the way i like um
Mosti does not seem to hold back with that just wish that the alljuice started out like that as well. Also interesting it comes with more oak, very interesting!!!!