Adding things

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May 17, 2005
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What is the timeline for adding things to your wine as it relates to fermentation?

Things like tannin...can you add it after fermentation is complete?

Oak - does it have some effect if added during fermentation vs. during bulk aging?

What things (outside of the base ingredients) must be added before fermentation is complete and/or must be added after.

John F
I add tannin in the beginning. I never tried to add it anywhere else.

I have tried a little bit with spices (anise at the beginning, cloves at the end (turned out bad), cinnamon during aging too). But I am sure someone else could be more specific about it. :)
You can add tannin and acids after fermentation if needed to adjust the finished wine. Sometimes you don't need to add tannin or acid at all, before or after. Oak can give different flavor profiles and sensory nuances depending on how much is used and when it is added.

John, it sounds like you should get a good, complete winemaking book and read up on all the stuff you are unsure of. Your questions are very good, but very broad.
Country Wine said:
John, it sounds like you should get a good,
complete winemaking book and read up on all the stuff you are unsure

I got the best one I could find (based on reading comments in forums
and other reviews)....The Joy Of Home Winemaking and it does not get
very deeply into these issues.

Yesterday I was looking for my next book but could not figure out the
one that is a "good complete winemaking book" cuz that's exactly what
like to a suggestion?
