A little help....

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Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
I am trying to post some pictures but it refuses to cooperate!

I followed the important things in how to post pics but when I browse and open the picture from my computer, the picture does not show up in the right box....

Any suggestions?

I just tried and had some trouble with it. There may be a system issue right now. Try again tomorrow?
Go to www.photobucket.com and register. It's a free site.

First thing though is to make sure you have an image resizer so you can make th pictures smaller. This is covered in the "Important Topics" forum under the uploading photo post.

I use the VSO image resizer. You can find it here: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/image_resizer/ It is also free.

Once you resize you photo, you can then simply upload it onto your photobucket page. Put the cursor on the photo you want and a box will appear beneath it with several lines. The bottom line is the IMG code. Copy the whole line and just paste it into your post and you should get the following result:

I tried that too. I uploaded it to photobucket and then got the IMG code and pasted it to the spot above the box where the photo should appear, still no luck. It wouldn't do it....
whino-wino said:
The bottom line is the IMG code. Copy the whole line and just paste it into your post and you should get the following result:


So if I copy the whole IMG code I will get one of these.......................

In my Back Yard?

Can I shoot it?
Paste the IMG code right to the Post your trying up...right in the line you want the photo to appear....

It will show up as an URL....then when you Post your Reply the photo should be there...

Did this make any sense????
Guess you got it to work.....Awesome Fish!!!!!

WWino...nice healthy looking deer....are you feeding them????
The forum posting is not working for me either, I must say that photobucket is awesome and I would recommend it to anyone as you can put all your pics in there and if your computer ever crashes tey will be there waithing for you when you get back on your feet.



Okay is it the picture playing games or are those floor joist sagging considerably in the middle?
Nice fish!
With a nice looking gang like that the floor should be sagging a little bit!
jobe05 said:
whino-wino said:
The bottom line is the IMG code. Copy the whole line and just paste it into your post and you should get the following result:


So if I copy the whole IMG code I will get one of these.......................

In my Back Yard?

Can I shoot it?

No you can't shoot it. It's out of season for one and he's got a few more years yet until he gets big enough. This guy's been coming into my yard and eating the crab apples from my trees, several of which are still covered with them. I've got over 30 apple trees on my place. No, I do not feed them, but they come in and eat just the same. This particular one had two little forked antlers until about a week ago. Obviously they're dropping them now.

I've been getting myself aquainted with this particular deer since last year. I haven't met his daddy yet, but did meet his grandaddy this past fall. I even gave him a ride home in the back of my truck. I'd post the picture, but I'm not sure if I should. If this were a hunting forum I would, but some people are easily offended and I don't want to upset anyone with a picture of a dead deer. Up here and in many other parts of the country it's just a way of life. For me it's not really about the sport at all though, with the economy the way it is I'm very glad to have 200 pounds of venison in my basement freezer.
Keith, what do you do for a living up there? Timber industry?

Eli, do all the white tail deer drop there antlers this early or only the younger ones? My wife took an elk yesterday! The neighbors had a bunch of game damage tags they needed used. It's not like hunting exactly, but the meat is sure nice to have.
