Cellar Craft 2nd D1 (Kielosol) packet

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Sep 25, 2010
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Hi all - I currently have a CC Sterling Riesling, RJS BPV (plan to infuse coconut rum in this one), and a CC Showcase Grenache Quartet going. Cleaning up after starting the last one (BPV) I found lying on my table a loose 2nd D1 packet with the note saying add it after D2 etc. I remember that the RJS Cranapple Chardonnay I did in the fall had this.

Does anyone know off the top of their head which kit this packet belongs in? If it's the Reisling, it doesn't matter because it's been clearing for 10 days and looks super clear already.

Cellar Craft uses unlabeled packages of "Super-Kleer" which does have the D1 (Kieselsol) D2 (Chitosan) designation on the packages.

I have not made an RJS Kit so I do not know if they use the same package or not.

Cellar Craft has included in the past extra packets of D1 (Kieselsol) on wines that they know for a fact are problematic in clearing (Viognier).

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I think it may be the RJS BPV. I think I recall it having 2 packs of the D1.

The BPV with the coconut rum is fantastic! The mango mint is pretty good with that addition as well.............
It does make sense that it would be for the BPV, considering where it was on the table. vcasey, your BPV mega thread from last year was the inspiration behind the coconut rum. I didn't add any sugar to the primary. i can't wait for swimming pool weather, especially after this cold snowy winter.
Most likely the BPV, I had a heck of a time with mine clearing and maybe thats because I didnt get 2 packs though.