2.5 hours to filter Zin with Vinbrite?

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Senior Member
May 2, 2011
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I filtered a Cellar Craft Showcase Old Vine Zinfandel today. After a crawling 2.5 hours I pulled the plug and had to top off with 1.5 bottles of another. Again I see no real visible sediment in the filter and no tears. Did I take a huge risk letting that Zin sit exposed to O2 for 2.5 hours? I added 1/4 teas of SO2 mid process to help. It was due anyway.
Was this wine clear (absolutely free of any sediment). It should never take more than an hour to filter or you have a plugged filter and it doesn't take much to plug a filter. When I used mine I had just a small amount of dust in the carboy that got stirred up and it plugged two filters in nothing flat that day. I poured the wine back into the carboy, let it settle a week and then made sure I didn't stir up the sediment when I racked the next time and it filtered just fine (until I got to the sediment at the bottom of course!)

Whole house filter or the all in one is the way to go!
I'm still mystified as to what a sediment filled filter looks like. I've filtered 5 wines now and see nothing beyond a stained filter. Anyone have a pic?