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Junior Member
Dec 26, 2014
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So the merlot is close to complete - after only 3 full days...i inoculated Sunday night and here is where it stands - initial SG was 1.105 and I inoculated with Go Ferm and BM 4x4. In the past it always took a week or so.. I added Fermaid K too... perhaps thats why? It does taste a little acidy though.. I added tartaric acid to lower PH.. thoughts?

I've had yeast plow through ferments in 3 days and turned out nice. What was the pH before and after your addition?
Before: PH 3.75 TA 4.389

After: PH: 3.46 TA: 5.586 (I added some tartaric acid)

Should I test again?

It does taste a little on the acidic side now..a touch bitter? I hope I didn't overdo it with the acid

Also I pitched the balance of the Fermaid K yesterday into it. I mistakenly did this before testing the must. I just assumed it had a ways to go. I didn't do any harm to the must pitching it that late did I? I don't think the Fermaid will be used up. Just hope it won't cause some off tastes..
Yes, my first MLF... looking forward... I did not add any other additives.. I plan to oak with spirals. Chips in the past did nothing for me.

Would you add anything else?
Yes, my first MLF... looking forward... I did not add any other additives.. I plan to oak with spirals. Chips in the past did nothing for me.

Would you add anything else?

I typically add tannins after the wine is stabilized, meaning after MLF. I have had two tannin-induced wine volcanos so I am extra careful to add after kmeta.

I have read that MLB like the nooks and crannies of oak, so it would be beneficial to have both in at the same time.

Good luck and be sure to post if questions come up.
Well, looks like the Merlot is just about complete...1.000 tonight. Will likely press that tomorrow. I'm going to follow the MoreWine guide to MLF but any pointers about next steps? Should I add Kmeta after first racking (i will rack gross less 48 hours after press)? Then proceed with MLF?

This is getting fun! Thanks!
Should I MLF the varietals separately or should I start blending and MLF blended wine? My instinct tells me to separate for MLF then blend post MLF.
Well, looks like the Merlot is just about complete...1.000 tonight. Will likely press that tomorrow. I'm going to follow the MoreWine guide to MLF but any pointers about next steps? Should I add Kmeta after first racking (i will rack gross less 48 hours after press)? Then proceed with MLF?

This is getting fun! Thanks!

@Siwash Don't add any kmeta until MLF is done.

I agree with racking off the gross lees, and then pitching the MLB. I typically just sprinkle them. It may take weeks or months. If you have testing equipment, that is great. If not, you can taste test for the wine to change from tart to soft, that is what I do. I suggest picking up MLB nutrient to add. Lots of folks have a stirring regime on a daily or twice-daily basis.

The Morewine guides give good advice on pH and TA testing and the desired ranges for both red and white wines. That's where I always look when I can't remember them. :h

The biggest challenge with MLF is being patient when there are no visible signs of progress!
@Siwash Don't add any kmeta until MLF is done.

I agree with racking off the gross lees, and then pitching the MLB. I typically just sprinkle them. It may take weeks or months. If you have testing equipment, that is great. If not, you can taste test for the wine to change from tart to soft, that is what I do. I suggest picking up MLB nutrient to add. Lots of folks have a stirring regime on a daily or twice-daily basis.

The Morewine guides give good advice on pH and TA testing and the desired ranges for both red and white wines. That's where I always look when I can't remember them. :h

The biggest challenge with MLF is being patient when there are no visible signs of progress!

Recently bought the Vinmetrica 300... so yes, I can test.. Got Lavellin VP41? MLB an nutrient (Opti-somehting...)
Didnt know it takes months... oh and the Accuvin test strip for MLF