Winexpert Selection International Amarone

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President of Stay at Home and Do Nothing Inc.
Jul 2, 2012
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I have been eyeballing this kit for awhile and I got a chance to finally taste test this one. I have to say it was a huge disappointment for me. A friend made it and it's from Feb 2013 and the best description I have for it was, it was red. There was no flavor at all. It actually put me in the mind of flat grape soda. So I guess it's back to the drawing board for another red to look at. I hope I didn't upset anyone who likes this, it's just my opinion, sorry.

"Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever." - Aristophanes
Did he tweak it at all?
I've been thinking of this kit too for a long time.
He made it a year ago and should taste nice by now I assume.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Did he tweak it at all?
I've been thinking of this kit too for a long time.
He made it a year ago and should taste nice by now I assume.

He didn't do any tweaks that I know of. He is such a nice guy I hate to tell him I didn't like it.
I made a GCI Malbec Shariz from RJS - it was the same thing - did not taste bad - did not taste good - just zero taste - it has alcohol in it but nothing else. I made Amarone Cellar Craft Showcase it was fantastic.
Uh oh now you all have me thinking!! I have a WE amarone that is almost 1 year and a CC amarone that is only 3 months old aging in carboys downstairs. I may have to steal a taste tonight!! I though the WE was a little lacking at 6 months, but I think the grape soda you are experiencing is "kit taste" (KT). That's one thing I don't like about kits. I taste it in almost all I have made. However my Vadai barrel and 1 year bulk aging has cured most of it. Maybe in another 6 months your friends wine will have changed for the better. Don't give up hope!! But always tell the maker your honest opinion! It helps in the next batches. Maybe a pound of raisins in secondary, wine tannins in aging.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Well, I have made this kit (Italian Amarone with Crushed Grape Skins (Selection International) ) however I have run it through my Vadai Hungarian oak barrel ( 3 months ) and it is turning out to be quite tasty. I let my wife taste it ( who is brutally honest and a good gauge for my wine making) and she really likes it. I wonder if your friend did something a little different or my Hungarian oak barrel has helped it. It might have been the later as the barrel notes are astounding with this wine and for my tastes have finished it off beautifully. Now to go into bulk aging for another 12 months.

You know also wine can go through a "dumb " stage which can be seen within minutes to hours of opening a bottle which can give a dull flat taste. I have seen this phenomena with very expensive high end wine as well.