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Senior Member
Aug 19, 2005
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For those of you who were at Winestock, would you like to provide feedback
on any of the wines sent over by those of us who couldn't make it? It can be
constructive criticism as much as anything else. I sent:
1 Pinot Grigio
2. Murray River Reserve
3. Barolo (I think)

All with 'Cella' labels on them.

If you can remember through the 'haze', I'd like to know what you thought.
I'm sure others would liketot know on theirs as well
It is funny you ask this Peter as just last night I was thinking about not having written down any notes about the wine that I tried. Afew I remember but can't give you any feedback on yours...sorry.

This is one target area for next yearto work on but it should be covered with the formal tastingby the pros and you would get a tasting sheet returned to you after the event.
Haze? To what haze are you referring?

I know I sampled a lot of wines that evening, and I really do wish I'd made a few notes.
But I didn't. Guess this means you will have to be there next year! Or! You could send out bottles and then people could write up comments and post them right away! Ilike that idea!
I remember three wines for sure :
<LI>Med's - chrysanthemum</LI>
<LI>Smurfe's - Ancient Joe's</LI>
<LI>Masta's - Cabernet</LI>[/list]
Alright; here goes

Med's - chrysanthemum; earthy, balance but yet very different. It's not a wine that I woulddrink by the fire or out on the patio. Needs a food pairing to go with it, but I can't figure what it would be.

Smurfe's - Ancient Joe's; I don't like sweet wines but this one surprise me. It had good texture,Light on the tongue with a good finish. Good mixwith the citrus acid. The one thing it might need is a bit more alcohol, but with Fleischmann's yeast itshould have finished on the low ABV side. Would pair with a nice salty appetizer.

Masta's - Cabernet; A very good oaky cab that was very heavy. Would be a good candidate at any wine judging. Taste of berries at the finish. If I could have stole the bottle I would have. This is just my kind of wine but to be fair, my wife didn't care for it.

I've have a saying I use when tasting at wineries: If you like it, buy it : If you love it, drink it.
There is one thing I want to add. I believe that there is no such thing as bad wine, There is only wine that I don't like. There is a vineyard just south of Tyler,Texas called Kiepersol winery. They have a ginger wine there that is not good by my standards but about 15% of their customers buy it by the case. The wine coach or sever there said she did not like either but people come from around the state to buy it. Go figure. [url] [/url]