Winery size

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Feb 20, 2014
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My wine room is in the basement. I was just looking at the room size and equipment on hand. I can physically brew about 70 gal at a time but seem to average about 30-35 gal. I'm just wondering what all you guys (and gals) do ? I have been thinking about a large fermenter but hate the thought of carrying all that juice down the steps. Anybody using a pipeline ?
Dbaker first off are you aware of another member in your area, Rodo Lives in Coudersport and makes a lot of great wine. I understand what you mean by carrying it down in the basement, I hate it when I buy 4-10 pails and have to carry them all down. Now if you have a drum of juice that's different. A small pump would work but you're looking at $150 dollars. I think I would consider a dedicated, food grade tubing and siphon it down.
Dbaker first off are you aware of another member in your area, Rodo Lives in Coudersport and makes a lot of great wine. I understand what you mean by carrying it down in the basement, I hate it when I buy 4-10 pails and have to carry them all down. Now if you have a drum of juice that's different. A small pump would work but you're looking at $150 dollars. I think I would consider a dedicated, food grade tubing and siphon it down.

No, I was not aware of that ! I would like to meet him. I have lived here all my life buts its a small world. I have also been following your posts. Thanks

What we did was something you probably don't want to hear about. We put in a dumbwaiter. It was expensive but over the years we've had it, it's been a great way to get grapes and juice and boxes of bottles down to the winery.
That's not a bad idea Turock. I thought about one for our food pantry. My wife has bad knees, but would not let me. Maybe I will make a hint now & then.

I carry mine down into the basement in smaller lots. It's so much nicer to have a pump, though. I know some folks who have used a siphon hose through a basement window.
My winery is also in my basement. I installed a pipe that serves as a conduit to allow vinyl tubing to be inserted and used with a pump to transfer the juice to the winery from the outside of the house. I can do it either by gravity via a siphon or by a pump. I purchased a couple sure-flo pumps off of ebay for $30.00 each and spent another $20-25 for tubing and fittings but now no more carrying buckets down the steps!
I like the idea of the conduit. It makes sense, so much easier to pull tubing in and out to clean and keep clean. Thanks