Wine smells funny

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user 18523

Junior Member
Oct 12, 2010
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I had made a zinfandel from fresh juice that I bottled in april. Back in Dec/Jan while I was testing I tasted it and it tasted fine, however when I bottled in mid April, there was a very unpleasant odor as well as a off aftertaste. It obviously occurred between the Jan testing and the April bottling. There was a significant amount of sediment at the bottom of the carboy as well as these crystalized pieces. This was my first batch ever so not sure if that is expected or not. Either way, it does not seem right. Not sure if I should throw it away or not. Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.
Rich do not dump it at this time. The crystals you saw were tartaric acid crystals. If you did not cold stabilize you will continue to get them if you chill your wine.

You said there was a lot of sediment in the carboy. Did you rack from this sediment into a clean carboy and wait for anymore sediment to drop out. What is a lot of sediment? If this was gross lees you never want to sit onthem too long as they will add an unpleasent taste to your wine.

Give us more details, kind of wine, recipe, dates of racking etc.
I agree with Dan - the crystals are acid crystals formed from cooler temps.

What do you mean by unpleasant? The more descriptive you with this the more we might be able to help salvage this.

How old is this as well? It might just need to age some more.
it was a red Zin that I made on September 10. I racked I think 2 times (probably should have been 3) First was in late October and the other was beginning of Jan - This does not include the racking from primary to carboy. I used a recipe from a book I found. I honestly didnt really like the recipe all that much as most of the instructions were kind of vague. I wish I could add more info but I am at work and my notes are home. However, I basically went through primary and racked to the carboy about on Sept 24. Racked again end of October (1 month later), then the final Jan 2. When I tested it and tasted it, the wine seemed fine (though young as expected). I again put my wine thief in around Feb month end and noticed a smell and taste. Also there was close to a half inch of sediment when I bottled in April. Have also made two batches from WineExpert kits and did not have the same problem. They're rather good actually. This fresh juice experiment was a little less controlled I think as I didnot have proper measurement instructions and was not experienced enough to know what steps to take without them.
Regarding the smell, it is really hard for me to explain, but smells a bit rancid. Not vinegar like, but a dull pungent odor that clearly masks the wine flavors. The smell is something that I would think would happen if I didnt rack enough and left sediment on the bottom to long. I am just curious at this point whether it is dangerous to drink, or if it is in any way salvageable.

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