Wine Recipes!!! Now Online!!!

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Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
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I wanted to let you know that the website: is up and running, and you can add your mead and wine recipes!!!

It is required that you add your evaluation to your recipe, so be brutally honest.
If you've used a recipe and tweaked it, please make a note in the "methods" section of who you tweaked it from.

There is also room for you to upload your images (3 of them! plus your label) of your brew in it's past, present or future.

You can search for recipes by ingredients, by title and by type. You can also print each recipe out individually.

This recipe collection is dependent on YOU! So, the more you enter into the recipe book, the more you'll receive.

If you have any questions regarding the site, please PM me.

Take care, and enter in those recipes!!!
again, the link:

I can get to the Recipe Main Page....but any icons/photos or whatever is on the page appear as boxes with a red X...then when I try to view a recipe or go to another page I get the 'dreaded' Cannot Display page....
I use Windows XP and MS Internet Explorer, I have PopUp blockers and Anti-Virus on the Emails...I also have some firewall settings that won't let me do a few other things present a usable URL on the Forum Topics....
So...if anyone knows what firewall setting I can change to view the recipes...give me a clue...
Oh! I just clicked on the line and got it. I didn't try going any further.
Try holding down your cntrl key when you click on things to bypass restrictions.

If that doesn't work you may get a bar towards the top of your page saying that pop-ups aren't allowed, but if you click on the right spot on the bar it will allow pop-ups from that page.

Give it a try and let us know what happens.

I try to go
a couple times a day...used your suggestions and none work...must be this computer...or me...think it's the computer settings. I will continue to play with this....Thanks!!!
another tip: try refreshing your browser. You might have some old files in there.

It's straight-forward HTML (cgi), so it should be seen by all. GreenGrocer added his info, so I think it mightbe your settings.

There shouldn'tbe a need to press the ctrl key.

The other thing I would do isgo into "Tools" --> Internet Options

Under Temporary Internet Files, press on "Delete Files" It just clears out your "viewed" files. You also might want to try to clear out your history (which is one tier below that).

If that doesn't work, please let me know.

THis is what you should see.

WOW!!! Pretty viewed above...
I tried all the setting you mentioned no avail.Also tried all the settings on the 'Can't Display Page'. I am staying home tomorrow and will call my provider and have them hold my hand and walk me through some settings.
I haven't had trouble anywhere else on The Net...yours must be a very sophisticated page that my computer can't grasp...
I will keep working on it....

Thanks for all your time!!!

Does anyone else have this problem?!?!?

I am a bit puzzled, because it's pretty straight-forward code, which makes me confused. I tried it on a couple of computers of ours at home, and they all worked.

Please, if someone else is having problems viewing this, please let me know.
Okay....I called my provider and they couldn't bring up the Site properly either on their computers..... He had a fellow in Minneapolis try it too, he called me and said that he couldn't bring it up either....He said something about a SOURCE-CODE...that the photos [boxes with red X's]that I can't view are being called up from another computer...he traced the computer to and that Site was showing a 'dead-site'...[Non of this makes sense to me] He said that you can view the Site because it is on your hard drive....I am lost here.....I told him that other people have been using the Site... he didn't seem to help me much....
Soooooo....I can live with out it
But don't like not being part of it. I will keep trying to bring up the for submitting my recipes....Well I am a
and use other peoples recipes.....Thanks again for your concern.
I tried it here at home and can get all the drop down boxes to work, etc. (Oh! Now I have to dig out a recipe I've used and post it. Bert! Find me a recipe!)

I always break a sweat when everyone else can do something and I can't. (But I learn how to do things that way) Hope we can get this going for you!
We won't give up on you!
The Techie at my Provider that I talked to wasn't any help at all, nor was his Superior Techie in The Twin Cities...neither of them could bring up the Site....I told them that other people could.
I can bring up the Main Recipe Page, but it is white, the Post that Martina submitted with the pretty Burgundy color and awesome pictures is what I can't view....
Both Techies said that it is not anything to do with Java or any problems on my computer....they gave me some Sites in other countries to bring up as a test, and they worked figure.
Anxious to see if other members are having this problem, or just my Provider's of life's little mysteries..?
So, another glass of wine for me...and will try it again another day. No Problem!!!
Hi Med that is a great website,And i had no problem getting it Here in Tx on AOL

MedPretzel said:
another tip:  try refreshing your browser.  You might have some old files in there.


It's straight-forward HTML (cgi), so it should be seen by all.  GreenGrocer added his info, so I think it might be your settings.

There shouldn't be a need to press the ctrl key. 


The other thing I would do is go into "Tools"  --> Internet Options

Under Temporary Internet Files, press on "Delete Files"  It just clears out your "viewed" files.  You also might want to try to clear out your history (which is one tier below that).


If that doesn't work, please let me know. 

THis is what you should see. 



Such a pretty page...but neither my Provider, his Contact in Minneapolis, nor I can can view it....So, it must be a problem rooted to my Provider....I will get to view those recipes somehow...somewhere....Thanks
Well, unfortunately,I think it's your provider.
I printed out the email with the tech stuff on it and gave it to my husband right after you wrote it. He tried it out again and again, and he couldn't figure it out. He said he would try it out at work tonight to see if another computer would do it or not.

He has suggested the following: Either copy and paste the non-hyperlinked (non-blue or purple) text tothe address bar of your browseror directly click on the following links.

if that doesn't work, try:

His suggestion was to try it without any "www" in front of it, but he was doubtful that that would do the trick. As to the "" being a dead site, yes. But is not (genealogy site in german). My husband was a little surprised that they didn't try that out (but honestly? My husband is a total nerd aboutinternet stuff, so....
). Try the without the www in front of it too.

The thing is, is that other people are seeing it.
This not only stumps me, but my husband too. I feel terrible that you can't.
My husband also said that if you could try your site at work or the library or somewhere other than home, you might be in luck. Then, if you've seen it yourself, you might be able to annoy your ISP and tell them only with their service you can't see it. I hate saying stuff like that, because it seems so mean, but I really mean it. If you are firm and if you've tried it out on someone elses computer (provided taht they are using a different provider), and it worked, I'd complain to the ISP.

All I can say is: that it's using a cgi script as a basis for HTML, has 1 or 2 small java scripts (one to confirm an email address, the second to make a pdf file from a database entry),and that it's readable and usable to others from different parts of the country.
Great, now you guys know the company's secret. Kind of like the recipe to Coca-Cola.

Trust me, this is as frustrating for me as it is for you.

Edited by: MedPretzel
I am able to bring up the main page, but there is not the color and graphics as show in your above post. When I try to bring up the recipes I get the ERROR CANNOT DISPLAY page. Also when I try the above URLS I get the same it has to be my provider.
Not sure when I will get to another computer, we are in the winter fishing mode now. I stayed home today to play house and rack some wine....
I have downloaded the recipe book from and love looking through it. When you get everyone's recipes together and IF you post them in that format, then I will be able to view the recipes and maybe download the recipe book.
So, for now, please don't pursue it any further, it is obviously my Internet Service Provider, so will just let it be for now.
Thanks for all your time and concern.
The problem is with the talanow site.
I pinged (sent a test packet) the following - good response back - good response back - same site - good response - good response - good response

so all the sites exist and are responding.

the only site that responds to a web request is
all the rest hang, implying one of a number of things:
1. that the apache server is down on those sites
2. it is behind a firewall and not receiving the GET requests.
3. MOST LIKELY, the permissions on the directory containing the images
is not set correctly. To change that, set the public_html folder to read
and execute ( chmod 755 public_html). Set the permissions for the
images folder the same (chmod 755 public_html/images) and set the
permissions for all files in the folder the same way (chmod 755

All the graphics on the site are coming from (I right clicked on a graphic and copied the address and
pasted it into the location bar)

An alternative solution that probably overcomes any of the three possible
problems is to move all the graphics off the talanow machine and put
them on the machine. When I pinged them they
appeared to be two different machines.
My husband is on-call tonight, so I will let him know tomorrow.

:) Thanks, Peter! I know he'll appreciate this.
Okay, some server down-time. Should be running very shortly again. And it probably will work then for everyone. Doing some major server-revamping.

I will keep you posted when it's up and running again. Sorry for the down-time.
This is our first server, and we're working out the kinks as they come along.

Thanks for your patience.