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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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Last year I found that the wines that sat for 6 months or a year really were better....I felt I needed a support group to hold my hand and help me get enough wine ahead to age some.

So...listening to the advise of you on this Forum I started making more wines and putting away a case of each batch for later consumption...

I now have 15 cases put away and have 423 bottles well as 6 gallons in a carboy and Apple Cider bottled and near ready to think I have a years supply of wine for friends and ourselves.

I am not going to quit making wine, but will slow down a bit during the summer...[maybe]....will start freezing and steaming fruit as soon as it starts becoming available.

It's been fun filling the racks and putting those cases away...."out of sight...out of mind"....Besides, if they were all on the shelves I would have run out of room a long time ago.

Now....I want to pick fruit and enjoy the summer and another glass of wine.

Samthing here as my wife has cut down on her consumption and Ive been
making more wine but dont worry George, Im not done by a landslide. Im
to hooked now and cant stand when theres nothing fermenting!

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