Why weren't you at elf practice?

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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2006
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My wife is watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and several of you have avatars of Rankin Bass characters. So the peer pressure got to me and I'm now joining in the holiday cheer.

Good Grief, a Dentist!Edited by: dfwwino
Well .... I thought that I would get into the Christmas spirt and change my avatar. So I climbed to the top of Lookout Mt. with a65 foot lightedstar. I placed it at the top of the Mt. and hiked back down to get the generator. It took a few days to get everything up there and running but I did and took this picture for my avatar. Hope everyone enjoys it!
WOW! then you took everything back home? Hope you spent some quality time there while you were there.
Geez, time to get rid of the elf and climb Mt. Everest. I am impressed. I just showed the Mrs. and she asked why the Christmas lights are not up yet.
Gosh, Rockytop! Did you "climb up" or "walk over" from your house along the rim!?!?!


How often I saw THOSE signs in my youth....
Rocky Top,

Thanks to you, I had to get my Christmas lights up last night and I had some friends over. I can't wait till the wife sees the job I did:

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!!

Yes......This is a picture of Rock City's Christmas lights. (at the end of Lookout Mt.)

Thanks "Oil and Water" for ratting me out!!

I have lived here for 12 years and still have not "Seen Rock City" They put up lights every year and charge $20.00 each to see them. Thispicture can be taken from the road. I was too lazzy to even take the picture from the road. I got it off the website.

Nice job dfwwino.
Sorry if your wife made you put up lights.
Well Rocky,

You did have me fooled. I guess that is what the MTV crowd calls "you've been punked." In defense of my gullibility, I made my post at night after a few glasses of wine. Edited by: dfwwino