RJ Spagnols Why add 1/2 F Pack to primary?

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Feb 21, 2009
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I am curious. I have noticed that some use extra sugar and add 1/2 the F pack in the primary and 1/2 later. I usually just add extra sugar as directed on this site and by our hometown winemaker. What is the difference? Is one better? I just don't want to lose any flavor.
Adding part of the F-pack may add some body to the wine, but you usually lose some of the added flavor with fermentation....Also some feel that adding the whole f-pack at the end, the wine is too sweet , so they only add part of it....By adding part of the f-pack in the beginningthey raise the starting SG. [some add more sugar to raise the SG more] and make use of the whole f-pack.....Hope this helps
We do this to try and keep the flavor profile all there as those packs are most of the flavor. We also do it like Bert said to up the abv along with some sugar to have a end result that will stand time better.