What did you colonials think?

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Senior Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II ?

Pity about the weather, but then it is Great Britain. In my opinion the British Broadcasting Corporation - B.B.C. did a rubbish job at informing you as to what was going on. Far too many 'young' presenters not taking the trouble to research the boat procession, especially the 'little ships' that saved so many lives at Dunkirk.

Cheers, Tony.
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What's a "Diamond Jubilee" and who the heck is "Queen Elizabeth II"?
Tony, I did not get to see as much of the coverage as I had hoped to see but what I saw was splendid. I feel that I grew up with Queen Elizabeth II and she has been Queen of England for most of my life. I recall when King George VI died in 1952. I was in the 3rd grade and we had two classmates who had moved from England to the US, John and Allan Birkbey, and I remember that they were crying at school. I vaguely remember her coronation, which took place about a year later, as we did not have a TV at the time. It is amazing when one considers all the US President's whose term her reign has spanned. She has been an inspiring and admirable Queen and I hope she has many more years.

We heard that Prince Phillip was taken to the hospital but I have not heard anything further about his condition. Do you have an update?
Loved it Bob! I about sent my Cabernet up my nose when I read that!

Don't send me you cleaning bill!

I apologize if my joke was offensive to the OP. I've never understood the fascination with the royals, but I do respect it.
I agree with Bob. It's interesting to me in an anthropological sense, but I can't quite figure out the Brits' love and adulation for this anachronism. I understand the history of the British monarchy is long and colorful, but the pageantry and sentimentality seems pointless and a bit silly in the larger scheme of things today.
Still in hospital, but on the mend.


Some do say. . . .It was a diplomatic bladder problem as his thoughts on "this modern music" is well known. Just scanned the daily paper and no mention there so it must be 'no news is good news'.

Cheers, Tony.
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I have the most respect for QE2. To think what she has brought her country through. Just thinking about how the Nazis, Russians, IRA, etc would have loved to have killed her. Even with all that threat, she still showed guts and a determination to do what is best for her country. She has (herself) avoided scandal through her entire reign. A true model to what a royal should be.

That said, she is in her 90s and should retire. There is not much more (at this age) that she can do for her country. She has earned a well desereved rest for the remaining years of her life.
Age of our Monarch.


I believe our Queen is 86 and her consort Prince Philip is 91. I hope I make it to that age, and look as fit and active. She is determined to carry on reighning ? until the day she 'pops her clogs'. So Prince Charles will have to hang about for a few years yet. :h

Cheers, Tony.

I believe our Queen is 86 and her consort Prince Philip is 91. I hope I make it to that age, and look as fit and active. She is determined to carry on reighning ? until the day she 'pops her clogs'. So Prince Charles will have to hang about for a few years yet. :h

Cheers, Tony.

Sorry, My mistake. Still, to be holding that position at age 86? I still remember the jokes about how old Ronald Regan was (and he was only in his 70's).

It all goes to show what kinda stuff she is made of.

If she wishes to carry on, then that's great. I would think that (with her remaining years) she would want to relax and enjoy herself. She is only human, and she has given of herself WAY more than anyone should expect.

I have heard, that there was only one English Monarch that voluntarily surrendered the crown. Do you think it is that tradition that keeps her going?
Tony, I remember when I was young and studying history and we studied Queen Victoria. We used to marvel at the length of her reign (more than 63 years) and wonder how someone could rule for so long. Now, we just might be witnessing the reign of Queen that will surpass that. I did not realize that Prince Philip was 91.
I recommend Her Majesty drink two glasses of red wine daily and continue doing business as usual. She'll probably be around for another 86 years and show is all a thing or two.