What are your favorate Apps

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Hurricane Hound gives me updates on all named storms with links and maps.
Radar Now shows live weather radar over street/highway maps, I use it constantly especially when driving.
I Heart Radio and Pandora are often used for news and tunes and Sound Hound may be the most incredible app ever invented.
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Wine Forum - Cannot believe that no one mentioned the WMT app for their mobile device...lol
Home Brew Talk app
AVB Calculator
Barcode Scanner
HomeBrew Calculator
Google Goggles
Google Street View
My Talking Pet

You can make your pet talk or actually anyone that you have a photo of. can be fun.
Hey thanks for bringing this back. One that I found and use everyday is Swipe and Dragon. Instead of touching each letter when texting or emailing you swipe your finger from letter to letter in each word. I have no idea how it works but it is so much fast and I have less spelling errors.
I like swipe, and I have eva, which i love...and I also have hurricane hound, a must if you live on the gulf, are any hurricane prone coastal city.