What are you making this fall?

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Picking up my merlot grapes on Saturday, only making about 10 gals. First time using grapes, don't want to bite off more than I can handle. Also ordered a pail of Valpolicella juice, 7 Gals of fresh cider coming in first week of Oct. Going to try crushing some apples a friend is going to give to me. Getting ready to start my 3rd. batch of Peach Chardnnoy and have waiting a LaBordaga Port kit. bakervinyard
I have the following in process:
10 gallons of chokecherry
3-1/2 gallon Green tomato
3-1/2 gallon red tomato
6 gallon apple/cherrry hopped cider
15 gallon Cherry/Chocolate Dunkle Weizen
5 gallon Pumpkin Jalapeno Hefeweizen
32 gal Valiant just crushed and chuging away in the Brute

Still have Pear and cherry juice in the refer. Just need to deceide what to do with it.