What a mess!

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Senior Member
Feb 1, 2006
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I started a new batch of Cherry wine using Oregon fruit puree & the recipe on this website. Had a hard time getting S.G. to 1.09, but got there. The morining after starting the mix, there was cherry goo everywhere. Scraped some of it up (had put primary on a clean towel) & put back in primary. Next morning, same thing. Didn't put any back, just checked S.G. (1.065), stirred & re-covered (new cover). This morning, no ooze but must is a couple of cups short of the gallon.

1. Recipe says it's a gallon mix, but is a gallon primary too small?

2. I assume (uh oh) that I can add water ( a couple of cups) to make up for what oozed out & flavor it if I have to, later. Do I add the water now or wait until I rack?
yes a onegallon primary fermenter is too small for a one gallon batch. What ever size carboy you decide to use, you will need a little bit bigger fermenter because as you already learned it foams up quite a bit in some circumstances.

I got a two gallon fermenting bucket from george (had trouble finding them that small anywhere on the web.) only 5.99, for my one gallon batches.

Edited by: kristie8888
As a rule of thumb, use a primary fermenter that is a least 1/3rd larger than the amount of wine to be made.

Check with your local bakeries or doughnut shops. They get food grade buckets full of dough, icing, etc. Most will give them away or at a very minimal price. They make great primaries.