Trap Shoot

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2010
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central Nebraska
Went to the Cornhusker state high school trap shoot yesterday. Goes from thursday thru saturday. Juniors shot yesterday, Seniors next two days. Juniors are from 5th to 8th grade. Some of those kids can really shoot. Guess good eyes and young coordination work together. In the three days there will be over 2500 shooters. Great to watch all the gun handling safety going on. Everybody doing their part to make it a safe sport. Was pretty cold and in the morning they were shooting into a gusting 25 to 20 mi. an hour wind. They shot a hundred shells which took the better part of an hour. When my grandson got done shooting, I asked him well did you have fun? He looked back with a big grin and said " Yeah". I suppose next year will have to go for the whole deal. My granddaughter will be shooting in the junior shoot and Matt in the senior. Sounds to me like it will be three days. Arne.
Keep up the good work Grandpa. We need the youth to carry on the torch of freedom.
It is all over for another year. An eighth grader won the junior shoot with 98 out of a hundred. He is going to give the seniors a run for their money next year. A young friend of mine shot 73 out of 75 in the senior div. Came out 16th over all with that. Lots of good young shooters up there. Arne.
Arne, as you seem to be into trap shooting, are you aware of a tournament that takes place in Dayton, Ohio? It was annually at one time out by the airport, but it may no longer exist. I though it was a big deal in trap shooting.
The Dayton trap shoot was the Grand American and it was huge and wonderful. It has been relocated to Indiana or Ill. Too far for me to go so I don't know which state. Bet it is still huge.
Personally, I am not into the trap shooting. Have to go watch the kids, tho. Actually don't have to but it is my duty and I am proud to go help support them. Have been to their other sports too, but I am not a fan of football, volleyball, track or most any of the other organized school sports. For me, this was fun to go watch although it was one of the coldest days of the year. Lots of colder days, but I try and stay where it is warm when the wind is blowing and the temps are down. Arne.