tiny little wine wanna be

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Oct 23, 2014
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40 mile yonder & PLUM NOWHERE, N.E. ARKANSAW
first off when I decided to try an make wine first off I spent 1 an 1/2 years reading and collecting recipes, then beings I'm disabled, I spent the next year collecting 7 glass carboys, and 6 plastic carboys, three piece airlocks, stoppers, picking an collecting fruits and berries, beings I was spending so much time in the hospital taking my time was do able,, the instead of just reading on here I joined and started asking questions, some dumb questions an some far dumber questions, I also collected up on thump hole gallon an half gallons, I bought chemicals yeast an so on, now once I had all carboys filled except for my 6 an 1/2 gallon for filtering an racking with, on that thank you so much vaccumpumpman,,, so I set there looking at all my carboys sitting there filled up, 2# 14 gallon fermenters and 1# 40 gallon fermenter, so then I got worried, all that alcohol sitting their slowly being turned into wines an meads, so I got to wondering if I'd went to far, so I started reading an looking how many containers some of ya'll have. to my relief I found out I was just a little baby starter, I've read on here people happy the got their 45 carboy, then others with 200 an better. I figured out most all of ya'll are mindless wine makers, and I do mean addicted to making way more wines, your life's goal, for the first time in my life I new I had found my family. the one place I feel I belong here... almost never have I have felt so at ease an at home with total nutts I admire very much...
the lord has blessed me in my downward years. I have no way to honor ya'll all I can say I am the blessed an honored to be among you wine LOVERS,
thank you one an all, you've given someone house bound more an more ever few month, but I have found purpose among you fine and good people in my book, you have allowed me much pleasure I had thought I'd lost for ever, now I have purpose, I'm not a flashy or out going type, but some how people have heard of my meads and wines, I just found out today their is another wine maker near my neck of the woods, and they say I smoke him. I will only give my wine to people whom appreciate it and slowly enjoy it, but as a starter they told me 3# 6 gallon carboys and 1# 5 gallon carboys are on the way to my address, as well as some fruit an berries of concentrate are already being shipped to my place, as a old country boy it makes me feel good to take my neighbors eggs among other things, but somehow I've gotten put in the spot lite of the movers an shakers , so now I can teal raise a few Dexter papered cows a few rabbits to eat, an eggs and then when tired I go into my winery and feel productive again, this site an you people are a great medical help to me,
Richard or Richie
Be just as ready and willing to share what you've learned. There's always someone out there who can benefit :D
you are amazing , I've been blessed by this site, and all the people in it, every thing a person goes to do seems like someone always holds out, but here knowledge is given freely, the only thing I believe is kept from me is where are everybody's wine cellars at? lol
thank you vernsgal

Wow! I'm glad you found this forum to share your passion