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Sep 25, 2012
Reaction score
Picked enough Foch grapes to make 50 gal. of must on Sept 14


Added Rc212 yeast to 40 gallons and 71b-1122 to the other 10 gal the following day. Removed from primary and pressed yesterday September 19. sg=1.021 Put in carboys with airlocks. Also added a handfull of half med french oak chips and american oak chips to carboys. Thinking of adding malolactic culture at some point. I was hoping to get some commets about the numbers I got off these grapes, what I may have done differently, or maybe something I should do to make this batch better. This is my second year making wine\growing grapes and I have learned a ton from this site! Thanks in advance for any comments.
Tonight I added vp41 malolactic culture, optimalo plus, and a handful of med toast french oak cubes. I tasted both the batches and the RC-212 was some what tart but not to bad. The 71b-1122 was actually not tart at all almost to where it was lacking acid, very mellow. Definitely tell a huge difference. I think the RC-212 will be better in the end but only time will tell. Both are very dark purple, INKY would be a good word to describe it. Neither one has a whole lot of flavor, almost bland. Will more flavor come out later or is what I got all I am going to get?
I racked this wine off of the lees last night and it is coming along great. Malolactic fermentation made a huge change and I think will benefit a lot. I have two problems. The first problem is the oak didn't add as much to the wine as I would have liked. Should I add some more oak cubes and see what happens or is there a better option. The other is that this wine almost has too much body. It is very thick! Will this get a lot better over time?
I'm working with a batch of Foch that came in almost exactly where Adame says his is. I'm wondering how well it came out. Adame are you still out there?