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Sep 20, 2010
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i know this is a really stupid question but is there a certain type of sugar to use or is just plain sugar good when making wine from grape juice?
Some use special sugars, but regular table sugar is used most often and worx fine.
When you say grape juice do you mean Wine juices?
If so no need to add sugars.
When you say grape juice do you mean Wine juices?
If so no need to add sugars.

I *assumed* grocery store juice. If you're using wine grape juice, then Tom is correct!
If you plan to use table sugar (glucose) think about disolving the sugar in some of your wine, then heating it. This breaks down the glucose into sucrose and fructose (or simple sugars) that yeast has a better time metabolizing.

Just adding a correction, Table Sugar is Sucrose. Dissolving it, converts it to glucose/fructose.

i planned on using the buckets of Regina to make my wine. I shouldn't add sugar?
so you don't add sugar for wine juice?
No need to. Just like wine grapes they are picked at the highest brix needing no sugar. The only difference is they already destemed and crushed the grapes.
i know this is a really stupid question but is there a certain type of sugar to use or is just plain sugar good when making wine from grape juice?

I use corn sugar. Do you know that citris taist you get when you use table suger you do not get that when you use corn sugar. But with grapes try using honey for a new twist to you wine..