Sugar Syrup

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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2005
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Has anyone ever made up a batch of surar syrup and stored it long term?

I have made "inverted sugar" as much as a gallon at a time and kept it up to around 1 month for the purpose of adding it to wine, but not as a sweetner of finished wine. If left on the shelf for long periods pending the will spoil. I left a remaining portion in the cellar of 60 degrees, exceeding five weeks and had to dump it.

Here is the formula from Dr. Jack's site for making of "inverted sugar" if you don't have it.
<DT>Invert Sugar:
<DD>The product of the hydrolysis of sucrose, which is glucose and fructose. Yeast convert invert sugar more rapidly than sucrose, such as simple cane sugar, because they do not have to break the sucrose down into glucose and fructose themselves. Invert sugar can be made by dissolving two parts sugar into one part water, adding two teaspoons lemon juice per pound of sugar, bringing this almost to a boil, and holding it there for 30 minutes (NOT allowing it to boil). If not to be used immediately upon cooling, this can be poured into a sealable jar, sealed and cooled in the refrigerator. Invert sugar should NOT be used to sweeten finished wine as it will encourage refermentation. </DD>
<DD>Hope this helps..</DD>
I have made a simple syrup of 1 part water to 2 parts sugar brought to a boil for 5 mins then cooled. When cooled I filled a sanitized container and placed into the refrigerator for up to8 months with no spoiling. Edited by: masta
This syrup has been used exclusively to sweeten finished wines before bottling and will store well for a couple of months without any problem in a glass gallon jug.

Take what ever pot you will use to make the syrup and pour in one gallon of water. Now mark your stirring spoon or another utensil to the level of one gallon. Pour this out now.

Add two pints of water to the pot

add 1/2 tsp of Citric Acid

1/4 cup of Karo Corn syrup preferably the clear so that the syrup could be used on whites as well. ( this keeps the solution from crystalizing in storage)

Start heating over medium heat and stir in 8 lbs. of table sugar slowly. Stir continuously until solution boils.

After boiling I decrease the heat a little at a time. This keeps me from over cooking and browning the solution. As long as it is boiling a little it is fine. Let boil for 30 minutes then remove from the heat and IMMEDIATELY add enough water to complete one gallon of syrup (remember the mark you made on the spoon or other untensil). Stir constantly while adding the water. Be careful because some of the water will flash off as steam at first. Let cool then pour into a glass gallon jug.

Hope this helps, Lynn
So many different ways of making sugar syrup,so I may as well add mine in for good measure,

Firstly bring 1 pint of cold water to the boil,wether its in the kettle or on the stove it dunt matter,either way its boiled.

Put the boiled 1 pint of water into a crock/pan/pot whatever you wanna call it then slowly add the 2lb (1kg) of sugar slowly ensuring that each additon is dissolved before adding anymore,once dissolved leave to cool, then pour into bottle ready for storage. This will give you 2 pints of sugar syrup or 36 floz and will keep for at least 3 months.
WOW...Thanks everyone. Had no idea there were so many different techinques for making sugar syrup. Almost like making a wine.

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