Steaming Strawberry ?'s

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Nov 11, 2008
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For those that use a steamer; Can strawberries be easily steamed? Can they be steamed with the stems on or must they be de-stemmed (all green removed)? The reason I am asking is because I will be out of town when the strawbeery picking happens here in Wisconsin so my daughter will be picking for me, but she won't de-stem them for me! I thought she could pick them, wash them, and throw them in the freezer until I return.
Hi Hilltop, strawberries can definitely be steamed - best of course is without the stems/greenery but, you can steam them with the bits on if you must... if it's either "steam with the stems" or "no strawberries" I'd go with the stems option myself!
By all means have her throw them in a freezer until you return. Then, thaw them, remove the greenery and proceed with steaming. I would not steam them with the greenery attached unless I had no other option.
Smokegrub said:
By all means have her throw them in a freezer until you return. Then, thaw them, remove the greenery and proceed with steaming. I would not steam them with the greenery attached unless I had no other option.
Yep I agree but, DO FREEZE them 1st and thaw. This will help break down the cell walls for better extraction.
Another vote for freeze them then cut the greens, then steam them....


If you can cut the tops off before freezing would be easier, but I understand your time concerns....... So I don't think there is a problem with freezing with the tops.
gaudet said:
Another vote for freeze them then cut the greens, then steam them....
Have you made a f-=pac from ur steamer yet?
tepe said:
gaudet said:
Another vote for freeze them then cut the greens, then steam them....
Have you made a f-=pac from ur steamer yet?</font>

I've got some canned and awaiting use Tepe. I've got two quarts of Strawberry Juice left over from my first batch of strawberry wine. I also have 8 quart jars of blackberry juice. When I racked my blackberry the other day, I used a quart of juice to top it off after stabilizing.
My gawddddddddd, im drooling........gotta stop reading these posts'

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