Spring Has Sprung!

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It is heavy for an old man. Send that warmth over here! We are supposed to be in the 50s by next week with rain predicted for Wednesday!
Look at "Bottles & Labels" to see what I did inside today!
Two weeks of rains, floods, tornadoes and now it supposed to be possibly get down to freezing again tonight...What a Spring !!!!
On a positive note though, i hung some yo-yo's out on my Muscadine trellis wire and caught a pretty good mess of catfish while all the flooding was going on
Edited by: Waldo
I guess I won't worry about a little snow! You get all the weather! I've often wondered--What if I'm in Australia and the world ended yesterday?
I know what Yo-yos are but did the floods come up to your vines? Have any pictures of that? What kind of catfish and how big were they? I'm trying to picture it.

Middle of April in NorthEast Minnesota.


Still plan on going for a bike ride today. The temp is about 29* right now at 11 A.M.
That's some serious snow cover....Should melt this week, suppose to get in the 60's then rain.

Enjoy the sun...ignore the snow.

Edited by: Northern Winos
We got very lucky this past week. Most of Minnesota got hit hard, but we got very little snow. Then it all melted. Only a few snow piles left.
Beautiful outside today...took advantage and got to parts of the yard that were covered with snow for months...Pruned and cleaned a few flower beds...

And....took down the snow fences and put them away.

Life is good.
rgecaprock said:
I know what Yo-yos are but did the floods come up to your vines? Have any pictures of that? What kind of catfish and how big were they? I'm trying to picture it.


Well, really did not catch anything or put out yo-yo's on my Muscadine wire Ramona but the water was up over them for a couple of days. Here are some picures of the flooding on the Saline river. The pavillion in the one picture is normally about 30 feet above the normal rver bank. It actually crested 2 days after I took these pictures and the pavillion wasabout 3 foot under water when that event occured.






We haven't had any rain here to speak of. Can't remember the last time I heard a thunderstorm. We had the most beautiful weekend but was inside packing.

Waldo...looks like you've had more than your share of rain....but it sure is lovely and green around there.

Ramona...how exciting to be packing and getting ready to move. I am sure your heart is racing and your having sleepless nights dreaming of where you are going to put everything. Show us photos along the way. Congratulations!!

It surely is Spring...Waldo has rain and green grass...Ramona has a new yard to tend...W-W has a new baby boy...others have their vineyards pruned...... others in the far South have ripe tomatoes....Northerners have their snow melting fast......Up here on the high plains...we are shaking out farm machinery and tending our yards.

Life is good!!!
After several days of strong South winds the air is full of sweet fragrances...must be the pollen and other things that everyone else around the country are getting to enjoy....Wonderful fresh air.

Yesterday PM we went out to the woods for a few hours and felled some trees for firewood. 11 of them, some were nice size.....limbed them and dragged them up to a landing. We usually don't take live trees, but we are clearing a fence line.....So all to go. They were swaying in the wind one minute and laying on the ground the next....an offering to the heating Gods of next winter.


Today we went out this morning, Jim cut them up....


I split them with the hydraulic splitter...[I love my job...just pull the handle]


And we both stacked the firewood..


So, this is a sure sign of spring....already thinking about next winter...the memories of this past winter are still fresh.

Nice to get a start on it done before the bugs and poison ivy.

Edited by: Northern Winos
Great site NW. All that firewood to help out with heat in the future. I also love the sight of the gently rolling hills. This country has endless beautiful sights around it and you guys have your share there!
Yes, It can be beautiful in this territory but I have been in upstate New York and there is a lot of beauty there also
OK Bird lovers. What is this little fellow that has found our Hummingbird feeders? There have been as many s 3 of them at one time feeding on the nectar.


