Spring Has Sprung!

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Congratulations Mr & Mrs W - W that does bring back memories. Also builds the excitement in our house as our first grandchild is due in ten days!
Another busy day today. Everyone is home and doing well. Oh, and whenwegot home from the hospital, I had a package from George!! No kits, but lots of odds and ends (filters, shrink wraps) and a can of Vintner's Harvest Black Currant fruit base. Now I just need to figure out a recipe for that.
It will give you something to do when you are up late with the little guy...
...Just glad everything worked out for you..Congrats. again
AsI keep getting discouraged because cold weather and snow just don't want to loosen their grip, it is good to get reminders that this isn't the first time. It was 65 yesterday and a lot of snow melted. A lot of bare spots on the open areas now- many fields around are bare and wet. My vineyard has about 1/4 of the area melted to the ground now and only about 6-8 inches left in the other spots. Last year turned out warmer than normal and I had a very good growing season. I came across some pictures I took last April 16,2007, almost a week from now. I had forgotten we got 11 inches of snow on that day, but there the pictures were staring at me. So let's all have hopes and enjoy the warming temps.



Almost finished two sides of the garage now...all planted except for 4 plants that are still buried under a snow bank...patience...patience...


I worked on a few other chores out of the wind...Trying to fool Mother Nature and do unnatural things to a rose bush...they say they bloom best on lateral branches...time will tell if it was worth the effort...


Trying to get as much done outside as we are under a....


A cruel message.....up to 6 inches of snow for us...could be more if
the track of the storm shifts...People to the South are going to get
hammered. Our strong winds are out of the East...and nothing good
comes with East winds...the rain is moving Northward...not a good sign.

Mother Nature must be angry.
We are on the south side of this mess, right in the sleet. The east winds make the freezing rain sound like bb's hitting the side of the house. It's really ugly out there. The forecast is 4 to 7" moreby tomrrow night.

So much for getting outside jobs done anytime soon. Guess I will be working on equipment in th shop this weekend.
It started snowing here in N Wis about 4 PM and was really coming like a blizzard. Now at 9pm it has let up a little bit. Predictions are for 14 to 18" in our area but I don't think it will make it. Hoping it wont!
When I went to bed it was lightly raining at 33* and blowing like crazy...knew what was going to happen....Yes, it snowed during the night...better during the night....still hard on the morale.

We must have faith...We must have faith...We must have faith that spring will come...they say temps in the 60's next week.
I wonder if spring will come! It started snowing yesterday and is still snowing this morning. 8" so far and they say blizzard warnings until 8 PM Saturday!
The storm moved further North than expected....

This is a sure sign of spring...right???


The animals are wondering..."What the heck"....

We had 'Cabin Fever' by noon, so went to the Cities [Grand Forks ND-MN] Did the usual shopping route, food and building supplies...pretty boring...but hardly any snow over there....came home to about half the snow gone...so the day wasn't as miserable as it could have been.

Life goes on....
That looks like some serious snow....looks like heavy stuff that won't even shovel....hopefully your temps will warm and it will just melt....rain might take it away too.

Hope you have something to do indoors.

We are expecting 60's starting tomorrow or the next day...then rain...We need the moisture, but this time of the year snow is hard on the morale.