Solids at top of carboy

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Junior Member
Sep 26, 2014
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Hi Everyone,

I've been lurking the site for a while and just started my first wine kit. I purchased the CC Showcase Red Mountain Cab kit and am on days 10-12 in the instructions.

Everything has gone smoothly up until yesterday when I racked it from the primary to a glass carboy. My SG was .998. The wine tasted and smelled fine when I racked it over but as soon as I added the enzyme blend packet it started to foam quickly so I put a bung on and let it settle down. It's been less than 12 hours and some strange solids have formed at the top of the carboy. I am hoping it is just skins from the grape pack that rose to the top. I have attached a picture. Any idea what this is and what my next steps should be. I made sure everything was sanitized well with starsan prior to racking. I am using an S type airlock.

Thanks for your help.

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Mav, I have had them also. Nothing to worry about. As your SG gets down to 0.992 or so, they will settle to the bottom and stay there. They are probably falling and rising at this time, right? Also, next time you add an enzyme packet, don't fill the carboy past 3/4 full before adding. This will allow the foam to subside and then you can rack the rest of the wine. Good luck. That is a really good kit.
Thanks Rocky. You are correct that it seems to move around some. I was starting to worry until I saw your post. Glad to hear its normal.
Welcome to the forum!

Glad Rocky was able to help you out as I've never encountered that myself.
Welcome Maverick! That is a great kit to start with. Sounds like you are off to the races. I bet your biggest problem is going to be keeping the bottles corked long enough to get the best out of them.

Good luck and get your next kit (or 5) started quick. The desire to open in advance of plan is huge. Trying to get up stock so that you can drink some at a good age is a challenge.

Best, Fran
Welcome, Maverick. I don't think your solids look alarming, but I didn't chime in because I didn't know that for a fact. I am sure it will turn out as Rocky has said. In the meantime, welcome aboard!
Thanks everyone. This site has been a valuable resource. I've attached a couple pictures of what it looks like now and had a couple questions:

1. There seems to be quite a few seeds in the carboy. Will this affect the taste?

2. Is the stuff at the bottom gross lees or fine lees? The kit instruction says not to rack until day 42 just prior to bottling. Do you suggest I rack now? I was thinking of waiting until day 22 and rack just before adding the metabisulfate. Will this create an aftertaste if I wait that long? My concern is I want the enzyme blend to do its thing before racking.

Thanks in advance.


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Picture is awful small to tell your lees, but I call 'Chunks' gross lees. Fine lees are more of the flocculating yeasts and proteins. Based on your earlier concern, I'd say you have a bit of grape solids in there. I'm not a seasoned vet, but I wouldn't be worried about another week or ten days on the lees.

Remember that now that you are below 1.000, you want to fill to the neck I find that I can't siphon carboys very well with my auto siphon (diameter prevents getting it into the corner) and so I loose a bit of volume that I am forced to taste. You might have the same issue so either get some cab that you will sacrifice to the carboy gods or find some glass marbles to top up your amount.

Keep up the good work!

Best, Fran