sanitize autosiphon and tubing

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Senior Member
Oct 27, 2006
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How do most of you sanitize the inside of the autosiphon and inside of the tubing using K-meta.

I am assuming you need to make a 5 gallon batch of solution and stick the autosiphon and tubing under water per se.
I just rinse the outside of it with solution. I then take the moving center cane out, fill the outer siphon with solution and put the middle back in. Holding the tube in the sink, I push in on the cane. This forces the solution through everything and I drain it all out. Give it a few minutes for the gases to sanitize things and you are all set.
I use a spray bottle, and mist the inside and outside of the tube. Then I take one end of the tube, and squirt the stuff in. Then I watch it move back and forth inside the tubing, until I see contact in all places. With this method, I usually go through about 1L of k-meta solution over the course of a month. Mostly, I use idophor as it is inexpensive and has little to no smell. The solution only lasts 24 hours, so you have to make up new solution everytime. But I use the same method.
I soak the autosiphon in either a sink or bucket of water and Iodophor santizer for a few minutes along with the racking hose/tubing. If you use Iodophor, it will stain your hose and plastic bucket tan/brown, but not the autosiphon. The stain has no effect on the racking of wine.Edited by: dfwwino
For the tubing:
I roll up the tubing and put it in the bottom of a bucket or SS bowl, cover with K-Meta.....then flush the tubing with K-Meta soulution using a [for winemaking only] plastic/rubber turkey baster.
appleman said:
I just rinse the outside of it with solution. I then take the moving center cane out, fill the outer siphon with solution and put the middle back in. Holding the tube in the sink, I push in on the cane. This forces the solution through everything and I drain it all out. Give it a few minutes for the gases to sanitize things and you are all set.

I like it. Very simple and much easier than the way I have been doing it. I was using iodophor which has to completely air dry before using the parts. I have come to learn over the past several weeks that one of the advantages of k-meta is that it does not have to completely dry and that the gasses produced themselves even can sanitize.

Is it true that a primary or carboy can be sanitized by simply putting about a gallon of k-meta solution in it and capping the top and the gases themselves sanitize all the "dry" surfaces inside? If this is true, how long does it take for this, in other words, how long should I let it sit prior to using?

Also, is the k-meta solution at all dangerous for short term skin contact?
I bought a plastic wallpaper tray to soak long stuff in like stirring spoons and the auto siphon. It was really cheap at the local Sherwin Williams store and this is all I use it for. It uses a lot less K-meta since it's fairly shallow.
Trubador said:

Is it true that a primary or carboy can be sanitized by simply putting about a gallon of k-meta solution in it and capping the top and the gases themselves sanitize all the "dry" surfaces inside? If this is true, how long does it take for this, in other words, how long should I let it sit prior to using?

Also, is the k-meta solution at all dangerous for short term skin contact?

It doesn't even take a gallon- a cup or two will do. I put a solid bung in, tip on it's side on the counter or table and rock it back and forth while turning. This coats all surfaces with k-meta. I then either keep the bung in it or mostly use an airlock and it's ready for the next use and I don't have to hunt up an airlock before using.
I have two 3 gallon buckets. I take one bucket and fill it with my k-mate solution and put in on a counter. I take the other bucket and put it on the floor, i then take the autospihon and tube and siphon the k-meta into the new bucket, this gets everything all nice and sanitized.