RJ Spagnols RJ Woodbridge Cab question

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Junior Member
Apr 21, 2014
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Why do the En Premeur instructions say to wait for day 28 before stabilizing and clearing? Doesn't that seem like a long time? If I am confident fermentation is complete should I go ahead and stabilize, or wait?

SG 1.094

.999 @ the 8 day mark, moved to secondary (missed the transfer per instructions at 1.020).
Was able to do a Google search and found the answer. I wonder why they highlight days rather than focusing more on the hydrometer readings, confuses us people new to wine. In brewing, I always target readings, not days.
Was able to do a Google search and found the answer. I wonder why they highlight days rather than focusing more on the hydrometer readings, confuses us people new to wine. In brewing, I always target readings, not days.
Because a lot of home winemakers don't use a hydrometer. To poorly quote somebody I talked to a long time ago "I broke my first hydrometer and then found I didn't need another one". (Actually he might have said he broke his first two hydrometers.)

Just bought another Hydrometer, probably my 5th or 6th or at this point lost count.

But my question is it "hydro-meter" as I call it
That's what I figured, easy enough!

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I just racked for a second time on day 26, adding kmeta and clearing agents per the instructions. I am not going to add the sorbate.

I noticed there is a package of Metatartaric Acid, but the instructions don't mention it. Should I add it? Is it too late?
That will block the formation of wine diamonds for 12-18 mo. If you plan on having any around for longer than 12 mo or so I would add it. Add it after your wine is ready to bottle and stir well until dissolved fully.
Just remember, 28 days is not enough time for red wine to be teady to bottle. Try the 180 day extended kit directions (google it) to make better wine.
Just remember, 28 days is not enough time for red wine to be teady to bottle. Try the 180 day extended kit directions (google it) to make better wine.

I plan to bulk age about 6 months, and bottle age a year, before even a sip! Thanks for the replies.
Now that I am kicking back enjoying some of my distillate with a vacation day tomorrow :), I am wondering if I should have skipped adding clearing agents because of the plan to bulk age :slp

Anyway, do I need to rack again now in the next couple weeks prior to letting it bulk age? Sorry for the newbie question.