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Nov 21, 2012
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I'm looking for a wine that I can have ready to drink in a relatively short period of time (< 4 mos if possible). I just started with an apple and a carrot wine back in October, but I'm not expecting to drink the apple for at least 9 months, and the carrot at least a year (probably 18 mos). So, I'm a little impatient. I'd like something I can drink before too long. Any suggestions?
Skeeter Pees can be had pretty quick. If you have not made any, check it out. That was the first wine I bottled and it was darn good.
Skeeter Pee ( Lemon wine) is great with endless variations, and good sweet or dry. Many of mine I was able to make and clear with Sparkalliod, then drink, whole process start to finish being three weeks. Others, slightly longer.

Lemon wine is wonderful. I have made Lemon Peach, Lemon Raspberry, Lemon Blueberry, Lemon Lime, Lemon Blue Black Rasp & Strawberry, Lemon Muscadine, and just plain Lemon. All drinkable immediately, though get even better with age.
Try skeeterpee.com or check out the Skeeter Pee forums including DangerDave's Three Berry Dragon's Blood forum. Great info!
I'm not a fan of SP like some but I've drank wine made from Old Orchard frozen concentrate that was pretty good at 5 months.
I made one batch of grape wine from Old Orchard, and it turned out very well. It didn't seem to need a lot of aging, but it had a mellow flavor that I haven't gotten from other grape juices. I don't know if it was just a lucky batch or the juice itself. I don't often find Old Orchard grape juice, but next time I do I'll have to make another batch and see if it mellows like it did before.
I like a young wine. So most fruit wines I have made I start tasting and drinking shortly after the first racking. Some have not lasted long enough to bottle! It's all a matter of personal taste! Of corse I have been accused of not having any.....
I also like to mix fruits when making wine. As long a there is about 3 pounds per galleon it all turns out yummy! I have not tried the sketter pee yet. I don't like lemonaid, so probely sketter pee will not taste good to me. Maybe the dragon blood however!
My favaorite mix so far is a blend of plums, peaches, necterines and blueberries. Very good!! Usually bottled ( if any left ) at three months, maybe four.