planting vines

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wine lady

Aug 12, 2009
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I just purchased some vines and was wondering if you need to prune them right after you plant them. I live in south Texas, and these vines are suppose to be developed in this area. They are in a 1 qt. container and are about 4 ft. long single shoot. very healthy looking. thanks for any advice.
We need one of you guys living in the south to help the Wine Lady out. You probably can just plant the vines as is there in Texas. You will probably need to water weee, but not excessively. You could take some off the top, but it would probably be alright there without doing that.
I would say - If you don't get a definate answer from someone on the forum. I would contact a local vineyard and get advice from them since they would probably have the most direct experience.

Btw - What vines did you purchase?