PASSION in and about wine

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Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
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there is no romance in wine for me....i romance women, I drink wine.
I do drink for the flavor, I like a peach blush, dragon blood,a full bodied high abv blackberry local wine store carries 4000 bottle of wine. I make what I like, and I would bet, none can be found in a wine store.
Footnote: I never drank wine, because I never found one I liked.
Started making my own with excess blackberries and it has grown quite a lot since.
I enjoy savoring a bottle of $80 wine from time to time. But only when someone else is buying. I just like to drink wine in general. Mostly when I'm cooking. Chop some garlic, open a bottle. Beat a chicken breast flat, open a bottle. I like cooking and making wine is like cooking for me. I just have to wait a lot longer to see if I got the flavor i aimed for.
My passion is simple. It's to make a $4.00 bottle of wine that tastes like $20.00 and enjoy every minute of the process. I'm not up to $20. yet, but do love the process.

I'll go with that - I suppose I'm the representative of a 'bold, new' generation of wine drinkers....~Lord help us!~ :D
Well I suppose if I was quick and on my toes I would've just started a THREAD here. LOL! I just felt it might not fit in General Chit-Chat simply because the proviso under General Chit-Chat was 'Discussion about anything else besides wine and wine making.!'

Sorry for all the confusion!
I would like to express my sincere apologies if I have offended anyone or made the members feel 'off-put' by any of my posts.

I am an active human being where when I am following current instructions from the mentors here that were kind enough to help me (thank you for that, guys!). In the mean time, while I am 'in the process' I enjoy being here and don't want to clutter the wine making and grape growing forums with senseless posts - so I offered my next passion in the General Chat forum.

Again, if I have overstepped my 'newbie' status - I am sorry.

Thank you!
Most definitely! All of these passions are tied for second (not in any order):

and Chryslers!
The Order of the Crystal

By what way is the light defused?
Where does it go?
In what dimension does the refraction occur?
Then there is the explosion of color.

The surface of the wine is calm.
The meniscus lingers playfully about the glass.
The prism of the rainbow bends gracefully over it.
The penumbra marks the territory,
It arcs the boundary between light and darkness.
A clap of thunder and the goblet is not shaken.
A flash of lightning and the wine is undisturbed.
A rush of wind and still nothing comes of it.

Only at the touch of the mortal hand,
Lifted to the lips of life to satisfy the curiosity,
Wherein only the desires of the angels are,
When comes the sensation of taste and touch,
Gloriously combined to create a simple simile
That brings gravity and grace to the beholder.

With profound finality,
The legs of the wine dance with the collage of the crystal.
Vineyard Promenade

Rays of light adorn the garlands,
The rows stand resolute etching the land with grace,
The sun kisses each vine and flower in its long day,
Then it disappears, sullenly, without a trace.

Clouds cover the sky, as the grand stage is set,
The light dies out, it fades away from afar,
Dark covers the land with cool crispness,
The moon marches in to preside over the senate of stars.

Still the cool of the dew is proud to come to rest,
Upon the leaves of the life-giving vines.
The glint and glisten of the dance of shadows and lights,
The breeze flows through, whispering ageless prophecy of the times.
Cannon of The Glasses

The arrangement of different levels,
Assorted in the most pristine of crystal glasses,
The sun floods in to be refracted by the wine,
The crescendo from red to white as the breeze through the window passes.

The start of the Riesling's arc as she sings the D....
The drop of fifths to the Chardonnay as she hums the A....
The step up to the B found in the bouquet of the Pinot Grigio...
The drop, again, to the Sauvignon Blanc as she focuses the F-sharp...
The step up to the Cabernet Sauvignon as she rings in the G....
The pivot down to the Pinot Noir as she centers the baseline on D....
The march back up to the Shiraz as she punctuates the G....
The single step to victory with the Merlot as she closes the A....

Then they all sang together in successive staccato,
Bringing gravity and grace by their combined vibrato,
The glissando dancing with the drawing of the light,
The decrescendo falls left, as the crescendo climbs right.

Silence fell, as the conclusion came all too soon,
Their combined chant gloriously marking the union of bride and groom.
The passions of wine

"But the vine said to them,
‘Should I cease my new wine,
Which cheers both God and men,
And go to sway over trees?’"
- Judges 3:19

"Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God has already accepted your works." - Ecclesiastes 10:8


Cheers, everyone!